High School for the irregular: Arwen High~ RP~ Players needed! See Staff Notes in the "Rules"

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Saphira had ditched class,she ran down one of the corridors trying to escape the school.She had just pranked one of the teachers hard core by placing a tarantula in her desk drawer.She was laughing and still running she found an open door,pushing it open she ran off.Running off deep into the woods were she had a special hide out in a tree,after a bit she reached the tree,climbing she found someone had been there,it was a few boards stuck in the limbs of a tree in which it grew around tightly she had a few books there and they were scattered.She growled and put them back in place in the corner of her ledge,she sat down and wondered what the teacher must be doing.
Ky was practically on her toes looking over frantically on her piece of paper in her hand. A wide grin spread across her face, "yes!" she yelled, bringing attention to her and Tessa. She waved them away and said, "sorry"  in a small voice. She looked back to Tessa and did quiet squeal. "yay, were in the same homeroom" she whispered, her eyes bright and full of life.
"Ha ha!!! I just knew we'd get it this year!" She said loudly with a grin on her face, not caring and hardly noticing all the looks they were getting.
Once looked at his schedule, quickly memorizing his classes, and sat down on a bench away from the others. He took out his pencil and started sketching. He was pretty good at it, considering it was just about the only thing he did. He had stopped even trying to socialize after years of being bullied, so he just kept quiet and tried not to draw attention to himself.
Saphira had ditched class,she ran down one of the corridors trying to escape the school.She had just pranked one of the teachers hard core by placing a tarantula in her desk drawer.She was laughing and still running she found an open door,pushing it open she ran off.Running off deep into the woods were she had a special hide out in a tree,after a bit she reached the tree,climbing she found someone had been there,it was a few boards stuck in the limbs of a tree in which it grew around tightly she had a few books there and they were scattered.She growled and put them back in place in the corner of her ledge,she sat down and wondered what the teacher must be doing.
((okay, so the dark elves aren't allowed on the east, south, and north side of campus. The West side is where the dark elves school at, or at least the adolescents. They don't particularly agree with Arwen high school. Just a quick reminder. You can still prank teachers, so there is no need to edit you post! :D ))
"Ha ha!!! I just knew we'd get it this year!" She said loudly with a grin on her face, not caring and hardly noticing all the looks they were getting.

Ky gave her a look, "really." she couldn't stay mad though, she was too excited that she was in the same homeroom as Tessa this year. She rubbed her purple skin, nervous of all the looks she was getting.
Nyasa swallowed a lump down her throat. She look at her paper. Her knee bounced anxiously under her desk, she was still considering their offer....... It was just so...tempting. She looked at the students around her, but none of them looked at her. It was just as they said.
((okay, so the dark elves aren't allowed on the east, south, and north side of campus. The West side is where the dark elves school at, or at least the adolescents. They don't particularly agree with Arwen high school. Just a quick reminder. You can still prank teachers, so there is no need to edit  you post! :D ))

(Ok cool thanks :) )
Ky gave her a look, "really." she couldn't stay mad though, she was too excited that she was in the same homeroom as Tessa this year. She rubbed her purple skin, nervous of all the looks she was getting.
Tessa laughed. "Calm down. If they accent gotten used to our weird antics, then they never will and that's theyre problem, not ours. So quit with the weird looks." She said and nudged her with her arm.
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