Hives on chick


Aug 15, 2022
Haven't seen something like this before. I found a chick acting lethargic today and when I picked it up I noticed first that it's legs seemed swollen. Upon further inspection she has all these red bumps over her body. She definitely seemed distressed. None are leaking fluids. All are red in color snd very round and raised. None of the other 20 chicks she's with has these bumps. Any ideas? I've sprayed her down with banixx for the time being because I'm not really sure what to do.

That is really odd. I have never seen that before either. I wonder if it could be an allergic reaction to something? I will tag some people if they don't see it themselves.
That is really odd. I have never seen that before either. I wonder if it could be an allergic reaction to something? I will tag some people if they don't see it themselves.
That's kinda my though process since it's only 1 chick, that or bug bites maybe? I also went back out and put coconut oil on its feet and the worst spots and she seemed more comfortable after that.

I'm seeing varying things on children's Benadryl so I'm not sure about using it
There are some knowledgeable folks that watch this particular forum. If she looks mostly okay I'll tag them later in the evening if they don't see it themselves in case they are busy right now. Does she still look mostly okay?
There are some knowledgeable folks that watch this particular forum. If she looks mostly okay I'll tag them later in the evening if they don't see it themselves in case they are busy right now. Does she still look mostly okay?
She seems stable at least. I'm going to leave her be for a little bit and check on her again. She seemed more comfortable after being rinsed off and such
How old is the chick? Are there any marks on the others since earlier? Have you seen ants? What part of the body is the picture showing?
The chick is 6 weeks old
Still no signs on any other chicks.
I definitely have a lot of ants in my yard, but haven't seen any in their coop.
It's showing her breast
The image attached is slightly graphic but she is alive in it. I rinsed her off incase there is something on her skin she's reacting too. I really have no idea what would cause this in 1 chick out of so many. Seem like the hives have gotten slightly worse


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