Hmmmmm, what hatches from a golf ball??!!!

Our silkies are so determined to hatch right now also. We put them both in a separate pen w/o nesting boxes. After a week, we let them out and ran straight back to the Eggs. I think it just depends on the broody. If you use the cage method, I suggest to keep her in there for at least two or three days!
thanks. I will do this with her starting Monday when I will have the time to be vigilant. Maybe I will let her free range.. supervised.
Nails!!! You are hilarious!!!! A whiffle ball!!!! OMG, that kills me and Sky - the tomato is a absolutely THE most hilarious thing I have ever heard!!!!!! That is so funny...and desperate...and funny...and pitiful...and funny...and sad...and FUNNY!!!!!

Forgot to say my clucker was sitting on a lone egg today...poor thing......gonna go ahead and give her a TOMATO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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My broodys name is Dolly and she is still diligently sitting on her eggs (Day 3).

I took her off for a few minutes today. She got some water, ran outside, scratched around, ate a bit and went back to her nest.

If the rest of the month goes like this and the eggs are fertile, I should have more babies
I wish my hens would sit on horse poo (lol)

I thought I was done with babies for the year ....
but my black silkie hid eggs in a dog house and they are actually hatching as I am writing this... i think she has about 13 eggs in there.
Also I have a white Silkie i was looking for a couple of days and she had 12 eggs is a nest in a corner of the barn under some insulation... I took half the eggs away because I'm a big softy when it comes to my hens
Bottom line ... I better get building more pens in the barn to house all these new guys for the winter
Earlier this summer one of my Dominiques tried to hatch golf balls; I let her sit on them for two nights, but because the girls couldn't get into the nest box, we weren't getting any eggs. So I took out all the golf balls and that was the end of that! No more broody Dominique, and everybody laid the next day. I did put one golf ball back in to keep those girls laying in the box...

At least Sue and Solarical will actually have something living hatch from the broody's efforts!!! The rest of us, Amy included with just end up the most loved on golf balls, whiffle balls, tomatoes and lest we not forget the much adored horse poop!!!!! I so love that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My baritone sounding clucker had to be removed from the nest box again awhile ago, still puffed out like a walking advertisment for a local basketball team, scratched a bit and ran back inher empty nest!! She was sitting on the one egg she had laid and I had taken that..all the golf balls have been gone for a couple days...didn't work for me Amy...I hope she'll give it up soon, if for no other reason that that crazy constant clucking noise is HORRIBLE!!!!!!!
well.. I have removed Midnight's whiffleball baby and the lone dud egg.. and now, she is sitting on NOTHING!

I tried to block off the nest box, but she just went and set in the other one... I would block them both, but my pullets are just starting to lay eggs now, and it wouldn't be fair to them!

She is a mean spirited chicken, that cochin Midnight. Think I should try the ice thingie? I don't want to traumatize her. Will she ever just stop on her own? It has been almost a month now. the 20th will be a month.
Nails!! My goofy broody is doing exactly the same thing!!! She has spent all the recent nights in the nesting box and has sat on her own egg a few days before I collected it, then she has continued to sit on nothing and make that aggravating clucking noise..not your normal clucking..and this is NON-STOP!!!! Surprised she hasn't been murdered in the night by the rest of them sick of that stupid clucking!!!!
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