Hoarding animal abuse

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9 Years
Mar 25, 2010
I have never dealt with anyone like this before. I dont want to make trouble for this family BUT its got to the point someone has to do something.this family moved in about a year ago the man is mentally ok but the women and her two children have mental problems.the man will bring home every chicken he can get not counting the turkeys-quail-pheasant anything that has feathers he will bring them home.he will stuff the birds in cages so small that they cant hardly move and some Die from being stomped on they look bad from being pecked and beat up by the others.he has about 80 birds total in cages that might hold 30 birds not counting the Quail he has in his house about 50 that look like they are pretty much featherless.the women was arrested two years ago for animal abuse and lost all of her animals she has 4 cats and 5 dogs in the house and they are pack rats.there place is as bad as a salvage yard or city dump. I would report them but I dont want them mad at me and I would hate to see them get in trouble again but what they are doing is abuse so I know what needs to be done.I just need to be talked into doing it
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If it is from mental issue they should not get in trouble....but needs to be done. Call and report you can stay anonymous.
You don't want them MAD at you????? That is convoluted thinking, my dear. You need to report them and report them NOW. That is worse than them being at a battery!
Why would you care if they were mad at you? You already know what to do....and you CAN do it anonymously.
Now days you can call without giving your name so no one will even know that it was you. I wouldn't want any of those animals living like that also what about the health of the kids. It sounds like you know what the right thing is to do. So pick up the phone and make the call.
I would have to agree. Sad situation, but it's not healthy for the animals obviously, and I would be concerned about the children (especially if they are young) being in an environment like that. -Not that I'm suggesting calling child services (unless you have good reason to suspect the kids are in a bad/abusive situation as well). If the house and yard were clean and kept, it would be beneficial for the kids also.

At the very least I would call animal services....report anonymously.
Why would you care if they were mad at you? You already know what to do....and you CAN do it anonymously.

Why would they care? Oh I don't know. They might burn the op's house down or something like that. You never know what will happen when dealing with nut jobs.
Make the call. Or heck, give one of us the information and we'll call. If she's already had every animal removed previously, there's a chance that she's not supposed to have animals any longer, anyway. If that's the case, her husband likely knows that, too, and isn't any better (especially since he seems to be the one creating the issue this time). Save the animals, make the call.
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