Home Owners Prevail Against HOA!!!


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 16, 2014
They said it couldn't be done! But we have WON! But we have PREVAILED!!!

We have WON against our Home Owners Association!

Their tail feathers are tucked between their legs as they run to do damage control!

We live in a well established Houston suburb in Harris County TX.
The HOA rules are over 30 years old.
We obtained 6 chicks as comfort animals for my wife who has a disability.
We were told we could not have back yard hens, even tho my wife has a disability.
We were told to get rid of them or be fined.

We requested a meeting with the HOA board members to educate them.
They promised us a meeting with the board to discuss the hens.
The HOA 'blind sided' us by bringing in their attorney to represent them with out telling us.
We provided copies of the federal law. The HOA attorney tried to spin the law.
They forced my wife thru bulling and cohersion to get rid of her hens.
They really upset my wife.

They really ****** me off!

I went straight to the feds.
My wife filed a discrimination complaint.
The complaint has been investigated and found in our favor.
Now the HOA says they will 'allow' my wife to keep her 6 hens plus give her a small monetary settlement.

It's not over yet!

The HOA thinks that they have the power to 'allow' when Federal Law makes it my wife's right to own these hens.
Typical HOA thinking they are all powerful.
The only action the HOA can take is to COMPLY with the law.
They do not have the power or authority to 'allow' anything in this matter.

We are turning down the offer for a small monetary settlement.
We are going for a summary judgement against the HOA.
This will set precedence in Texas that will be applicable to all states.

Disabled home owners or residents, including children, will have the right to have back yard hens as comfort animals.

Pass this along. Share it on FaceBook and other social media.
Tell every one you know ... the HOAs are going down!!!

It’s time for Hens of all colors to come together!!!

Here a a few details of the law:

The Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and Fair Housing Act (FHA) covers comfort animals for the disabled in their homes. And since it is Federal Law, it supersedes any local, county, city or state laws.

HUD/FHA require ANY agency governing homes, including rental property and home owners associations, to make a reasonable accommodation for disabled individuals to have comfort animals. You must have a medically documented disability and your doctor must give you a letter stating the type of comfort animal and number of comfort animals he recommends. As long as your request is reasonable the governing agency must make a reasonable accommodation. If they do not, then you file a disability discrimination complaint with HUD.

HUD will investigate your complaint and make a determination as to whether the governing agency discriminated against you. If they find discrimination they will REQUIRE the governing agency to make an accommodation. If the agency does not, HUD can fine them up to $16,000 per violation (goes to HUD) and require the agency to pay damages to you!

Best of all ... it costs you nothing!!!
My landlord could have refused my Service Dogs since he has three rental houses. But when he was in Iraq he used a rental agency to administer his rentals so HUD/FHA came into play. However since he's also family it was a moot point ;-)
My landlord could have refused my Service Dogs since he has three rental houses. But when he was in Iraq he used a rental agency to administer his rentals so HUD/FHA came into play. However since he's also family it was a moot point.
LOL Some times you just can't win! Hope he is good family!
That sounds oddly familar to the situation in another subdivision I'm aware of, except that she didn't have 6 chickens, she had 3,000. Don't know that 3,000 chickens could qualify for "companion animals," especially when they're advertised for sale to the general public.
That sounds oddly familar to the situation in another subdivision I'm aware of, except that she didn't have 6 chickens, she had 3,000. Don't know that 3,000 chickens could qualify for "companion animals," especially when they're advertised for sale to the general public.

Good for you all...... Heck HOA , town rules etc think they are King.... This is supposdly a little bit free countrty....
towns and cities they e are all powerful..
Chickens are quieter than yakk yak DOGS....
Good for you all...... Heck HOA , town rules etc think they are King.... This is supposdly a little bit free countrty....
towns and cities they e are all powerful..
Chickens are quieter than yakk yak DOGS....

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