Homemade chick starter!!!! Updated

Maybe I need to get them some more fat? I read that baby chicks need fat. I will be getting to the feed store before their yolks have been totally used so I am not super worried. It sounds like I need to get some kombucha up and brewing again, I have the materials I just have not made a batch.
Well, its better to actually give them whole raw dairy. They are not meant to handle processed fat free anything, any more then we are.
At the least, give them whole, unhomogenized
Thank you so much. I made it today with all the listed ingredients in a blender till fine(I sneaked some eggshell and an old prenatal vitamin in there-couldnt find any sharp bits). They snarfed it like they were starving.They tried to fight over it even though there was plenty. I kept the dry stuff in a oatmeal box, the yogurty egg stuff in the fridge and mix it in their feeder(a humus tub with washers taped to the bottom,and 2" holes cut in the lid). their stools were a little loose switching chow. i mixed some of their familiar starter into it. Thanks again.
Does anyone know of a starter chick feed, that is a little more simple i live in ireland and some of that stuff i wouldnt even have heard of or know where to buy?? U must have the most healthy chickens in the world :)
I started making mine and in response to the last person wanting a little simpler version:
I use per 100 lbs of feed
45 lbs wheat
30 lbs oats
5 lbs safflower
5 lbs flax
10 lbs alfalfa meal
5 lbs fish meal
Then I add mineral/vitamin powder and probiotics powder to it.

For chick starter I just double the flax which makes it 19.2 % protein.
I soak and sprout l the seeds before adding all the powders and flax seeds to it. My chicks needed it ground fine for a couple weeks but now eat it all whole.
I am not a professional I am just a backyard chicken keeper that didn't want any gmo ingredients in my feed so use this recipe at your own risk :)
Sorry, that sounds like I just started all this...I just started with making chick starter but I have been doing it for my grown chickens since fall and they are doing great. Got eggs all winter.
Thanks so much that sounds more my style i looked of the packaging of some feeds and didnt even understand some of the different chemicals they had in der,

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