Homemade Layer Feed Questions

H Diamond

5 Years
Jan 26, 2014
Yes another question on this topic.... My chickens are happy and seem to be perfectly healthy. I get lots of yummy eggs (well not so many right now, lol), etc. They've been on commercial layer feed since they started laying and they are roughly 11 months old. They also free range all day, and are shut up in the coop overnight. So why fix what isn't broken? My hubby wants me to look into making my own mix to see if we can do it cheaper. I do it with the goats, but I've spent a lot of years perfecting that, lol.
To make a long story short, can you do it cheaper?
We grow wheat and milo ourselves (we're farmers). I have access to corn at the elevator, and then of course your normal feed store options, BOSS, oats, COB, beet pulp, etc. I also have a huge bag of kelp meal waiting for something to be done with it, lol. We have a roller, so can "crack" or "roll" any whole grains that need to be.
I know there is the time investment, and hubby is willing to mix things for me. With the extra supplements (I've only spent a little bit of time researching this, that's why I'm asking here) it seems you need to add, can you really make it any cheaper? If so, does anyone ever share their recipes, or is this a "secret" go figure it out on your own kind of thing? Thanks!!!
Thanks for the links! I didn't even know where to start, lol.
Soybeans are not an option for me where I live. Not enough water to make them grow.
Thanks for the links! I didn't even know where to start, lol.
Soybeans are not an option for me where I live. Not enough water to make them grow.
You'll have to find something that has high protein,
Corn is 8%
Roasted soy beans 37%
Soy bean meal 44% protein
Protein levels will vary from batch to batch or harvest.
Animal proteins have high levels.
I know how to calculate a feed ration (thank you though), my question is, will they get the proper nutrients they need from a homemade ration? Will it have long term affects on them? Or do you just calculate a good protein ration and then find a mineral/vitamin pack to add to it?
Umm, last time around they were like $12 for 50lbs if I remember correctly.
If possible, I would rather use wheat and/or milo in the ration as those I can obtain for "free". I can add a little corn in though if necessary. It's only like $5 for 60lbs.
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