Honeysuckle vines on chicken yard...safe?

Well I know of one BYCer made some honeysuckle jam!

I have the honeysuckle Japanese variety (terribly invasive plant but the smell is heavenly)....called Hall's Honeysuckle. Lonicera Japoncia. It is not your usual decorative honeysuckles that you buy from the nursery....these were the grandma's varieties that she has in her backyards.

It is illegial to grow or buy plants from the nursery in Illinois because they would overrun everything. I never had any problems with mine and the next door neighbor likes it too. Bad thing about them, they do attract bees, wasps and one good thing, hummingbirds. Chickens didn't bother them, they like to scratch under them and sit in the shade. I don't recall seeing berries on them unless the wild birds have been eating them all up. My dd loves to pick them for me when they bloom and put them in the vase......the house smells heavenly.
They will eat the blossoms, but not the leaves or vines.

I have honeysuckle vines right behind the runs and coops on one side. In the spring they grow over and through the runs and when they bloom it smells so good. Never had a problem with them. There are also beautyberry bushes back there that they chickens love to eat the pinkish purple berries.
Are Hall's Honeysuckle REALLY safe with hens? I hope so! I'd wanted to plant them until I read somebody saying honeysuckles were poisonous to chickens. Please tell me if they're safe!
Well I just planted 3 different non invasive varieties on the chicken run because I really can’t find any stories of anyone’s chickens getting I’ll from honeysuckle. Fingers crossed
Well I just planted 3 different non invasive varieties on the chicken run because I really can’t find any stories of anyone’s chickens getting I’ll from honeysuckle. Fingers crossed

I’m about to plant one to cover my run for my ducks. I hope they won’t get ill either. The variety I chose is a non-invasive variety calledLonicera periclymenum. It is sometimes also called “scensational” or Dutch Honeysuckle”.
I have honey suckle that i was wondering if I could safely give leaves and stems to my chickens. Here in SE FL they grow wild and hard to get rid of....blooms are little trumpet shaped orange flowers, but afraid to give leaves and stems without knowing. My chickens seem pretty fussy about which weeds they'll eat and wouldn't even touch a tomato I threw in today....very suspicious or ??? I know the plant is toxic but they didn't want the fruit either. If anyone knows about the leaves of honeysuckle please tell me so I can throw that into their daily greens as well.

Just found this list which says honeysuckle is safe:
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