Honking Chicken?


7 Years
Feb 27, 2012
Inland Empire, Southern California
My Coop
My Coop
As of yesterday I notice about 5 times through out the day and evening, mostly in the evening, that one of my Chickens is making a honk noise. It reminds me of a goose honk but obviously not as loud or big. lol What the heck kind of noise is that?! lol They are all healthy happy. I think it's Cinnamon, which is a Frizzle Cochin, I think. Is that a Rooster noise? It doesn't seem like a crow but these are my first chickens so I'm wondering... I might have to see if hubby could set up a webcam so I can catch who's making that noise.
They do that sometimes, particularly right before puberty. Our DOM was the worst of our flock for that. She had the most pronounced honk of any of them and it lasted a good 2 months or so before she acquired her adult voice. It was pretty funny and she will occasionally still break out a honk or too if she's very excited about something.
Mine went through the honking stage too. One still sounds a bit like a honk, but she's been laying for months now. Another went from a honk to a seagull sound. Geese, gulls, chickens, people think we have a menagerie! But in fact only two tiny bantams LOL
She, well I think a she, a few people told me Cinnamon is a pullet, is about 12 weeks now. Absolute sweetheart! We think the honking noise was her calling for me. Because as soon as I walked out of the room she had her head push against the side of the brooder looking for me. LOL Silly bird!

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