Horizontal nipples - are they getting enough water??


5 Years
Apr 20, 2017
Vancouver Island
I just switched my girls over to a watered with horizontal nipples after a winter of open water. I know they’re using them... but as soon as I let them out in the yard they race to the remaining snow patches and start gobbling up snow and melt water. Should I be concerned that they’re not getting enough water from the nipples? Or is it just the novelty of the melting snow?
Is the container vented? It slipped my mind & luckily found out when I tested the nipples. Drilled a hope about an inch below the rim. Also I mark a fill line on the contain, to keep track of their drinking.

Good point, I had to add a hole to my waterer as well. If there's a vacuum it'll feel like there's some suction holding the lid on, when you try to open it.

I also test the nipples daily during cold weather/frequently otherwise by poking them and ensuring that there's still good water flow.
How big is the container with the nipples/ how much water does it hold?
Can you measure how much they are drinking in a day?
It's a 3 gallon clear blue bucket. I could try measuring, maybe mark the water level with a washable marker? How much should they be drinking? I have 6 full size hens, and 1 silkie cross.

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