Horrible Chicken Mommy of the Year Award Goes to Me.

Thanks all for the kind words! I think the worst part has been the guilt and the visual - still can't seem to kick it. I have a phobia over parasites, so this sort of sent me over the edge. My skin wont stop crawling!

While slightly morbid, I agree about using the chicken as bait to take out the bear. Without a doubt, I'd do it - but not sure if I'd have the guts to do in the bear cub. I'm sure there are legal stipulations about what I take out, but being buddies with the local game warden probably helps me out in that regard.

My brother is still devastated that his cell phone died before he could take a picture of the gore. He's got a slightly warped sense of humor and I know he wanted to text me the picture at work.

Thanks again folks for the support!
i have read your post twice to find out how you have earn that worst chick mom medal. I cant find a reason.

You believe the rooster was suffering because you didnt cull it earlier? But from your post he didnt seem to suffer.

If your problem is the bad memories and shock from seeing the maggots, they will fade away dont worry.

You keep chickens, i would start getting used to any kind of bug that could happen to stand on my way, right now. How can you check your flock for mites and lice if you are afraid of them? Get somebody else to do it? Then they are not your chickens but they belong to the one that takes care of them. Bugs and chickens go together. I am sorry.

RIP rooster
i agree, don't beat yourself up. the bear has to eat too. and you have definately learned a lesson. apparantly the rooster did not suffer, (parish the thought). not your fault at all.

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