Horse Rescues - Out of the Slaughter Pens

Prairie Fleur

8 Years
Jul 17, 2014
Ingalls Ks
Recently I've become involved with rescuing horses headed for the hell holes that are the Mexican slaughter yards. Every couple days a truck heads out and the horses that survive the trip without being trampled face an even more horrific death, too awful to go into detail here. Rescue organizations have several days time to get the horses out. Well trained, been there done that geldings, untrained and sometimes neglected horses of many shapes and sizes, pregnant mares with foals at side, yearlings, pedigreed animals, they all go thru the processing plant. Money is always tight. Many people how would like to rescue can't because they just don't have the money. Can you help lessen the travesty of these slaughter yards by adopting? Don't have the space? You can still donate or volunteer at a horse rescue! There's a place for everyone who loves horses and hates to see innocent animals betrayed and suffering. Pm me for more details on how you can help!
Well then maybe the United States needs to approve and manage their own slaughter house. One where the horses are given better treatment. But that'll never happen. Instead, the blind eye will be turned and the horses will continue to be trucked to Mexico. But even that is better than starving in a field full of dirt, like so many horses are in the United States, when their owners cannot afford to buy hay anymore and nobody but the slaughter buyers will buy them.
I see.

What I don't understand about these slaughterhouses (and factory farms and laboratories and all these other places) is how they are legal. If someone treated an animal half as badly in their own yard, it's abuse and they go to jail, but if a slaughterhouse does it to millions of animals and makes a profit, its perfectly legal. Doesn't make any sense.

You are assuming that what you have been lead to believe about the conditions on farms and slaughterhouses is accurate. It isn't. You have to remember that these animal rights organizations feed on sensationalism. That is how they raise money for their group. The more sensational they can make things, the more contributions they receive. There are some abuses, but these groups exaggerate things, and a lot of times what they show you is staged.

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