hot feet?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 21, 2012
Phoenix AZ
i have 4 chicks that all still live inside. my buff orpington feet are really warm compared to the other chicks(white leghorns) im worried because i cant find anything on this. i know their cage isnt hot since they dont even have a heat lamp on them since the room they are in is already fairly warm. does anyone have any ideas? i brought her out so she is sitting on the couch with me but she is still warm on her feet. i do know she is getting feathers in right now si is it like toddlers and teething where they get a small fever?
Not sure about all of mine but several that I have picked up feel like their feet are hot. They are 5 months old and fully feathered. My guess is that it's normal. Being it's about the only skin exposed that you can touch and their body temp is about 104 in adults and 106 in chicks it probably feels warm to us.
that could be it. its just strange she is the only one but she is covered in pinfeathers right now. my little odd ball is growing up so fast *tear*
I know this is an old thread but I just noticed my 6 week old RIR chick has hot feet while my other RIR chick's feet feel normal temperature. Has anyone come across this before? Should I be concerned?
I am not sure on this but you should search "Hot feet" on the serch on byc (I know that this is byc but I am not too sure how to put it)
I am not sure on this but you should search "Hot feet" on the serch on byc (I know that this is byc but I am not too sure how to put it)

Yeah, I have been trying that. I keep finding chickens with hot and swollen feet but hers aren't swollen. They are just really really hot. She seems to be acting fine. She just wanted me to hold her and that's when I felt them.
Yeah, I have been trying that. I keep finding chickens with hot and swollen feet but hers aren't swollen. They are just really really hot. She seems to be acting fine. She just wanted me to hold her and that's when I felt them.
Did you ever figure out hot feet, did she just grow out of it. I have a two month old salmon favorelle roo his feet are very hot. He walks slow and prefers to sit most times. All his siblings are not this hot. I know it's now 2020 but thought I would ask
I was searching for something different but saw this post is at the top of results for chicks having abnormally hot feet. There can be several causes to it. There is a strain of mycoplasma that specifically targets the feet /legs , and can cause them to feel hot and feverish there. I’ve seen it spread somewhat easily in indoor birds, perhaps due to flooring/carpeting.

Another common cause, especially in chicks can be coccidiosis, they often can exhibit fever and contrary to popular belief bloody droppings are not always present. Often it can be easily missed; foamy/bubbly droppings and frequently stinky diarrhea-looking droppings can be a sign. Feeding medicated feed is not a guarantee against birds contracting it.

Some microscopic parasites can cause tender and feverish or itchy feet too. Bird parasites are not easy to spot like dog and cat ones. Most are microscopic and can’t be seen with the naked eye.

One such example is feather lice variants. Your birds can get them from wood shavings at the feed store you got them from; you won’t easily see them for several reasons.

some feed on the feather shafts, some feed on the keratin in the scales of the feet, or near the beak or face (called scaly face or scaly leg mites in such cases) and some are blood-feeding parasites as well.

Nearly all of them will cause itching and irritation and can cause feverish symptoms at the source as well

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