
My two in the toy incubator looked and moved perfect at the last candling.
Let them sit until 21 days... nothing not even a peep. Checked them today at 23.5 and nothing, not even movement but perfect shadows...
Dont know what to do.

Probably just quitters, but man they didnt even hit the air sac.
Never heard of this and both did the same thing!
So sorry.
When we did our hatch we started with15 eggs. At 8 days when I candled I only took out two that were not developing. At hatch time we had only 4 of the remaining 12 that hatched and 1 that died in the shell after pip. I know the incubator was good because we had 12 of 15 Favs hatch in the same bator. No idea what the deal was.
I wonder if it is a Houdan "fault".
You didnt threaten them properly.
I think Houdan eggs only respond to solid threats. After giving them one more day before I toss them I came home tonight and saw two pips.
Going to help them out in the morning if they didnt sort it out on their own by then.

Oddest thing that they didnt make a peep.
Go figure.

Forgot to add again: Aoxa that is one very cute puppy!
Will be looking forward to many pictures of that dog with the chickens.
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Yeah!!!  :weee Keep us posted!  How many do you have?  Here's hopeing for a good hatch and welcome to the thread!:fl

I have three hatchery chicks, I had planned on ordering some, but a local lady ordered some so I bought the few she had left. I waited too long to order (I was going to get some cx's also), but spring and summer can be really unpredictable here.
I have twelve eggs in the bator, we'll see with those. So far my luck with hatching eggs has been abysmal. I have a better bator now and have learned a few tricks so hopefully... :fl

Thank you for the welcome!
My two babies came out (kinda)
One was perfect and fell right out of the egg this morning.
The other was in trouble and all sealed in, didnt look normal so I decided to poke to help. When I helped she bled from the membrane and is all ok now, but I think I may have done more harm than good. She is recovering but I'm feeling quite guilty and worried. Not active but will chirp and move a little...

Anyway its all my fault and can only wait now.

One of the two is perferct!
They are both Houdan Silkie cross and extremely cute. (crummy cellphone photos)



You can see the yellow bottom, white tips and black main body. Very cute.

Picture update of our Houkie? (still cant decide on a good name for Houdan + Silkie)


The other one passed, but there's a shelf full of good eggs and so many more on the way.
I did learn a lot from these slow pippers, wont make the same mistake twice.
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Are you sure they are silkie crosses? They do not have any feathered legs which shows up in 100% of chicks hatched from anything with one parent that has feathered legs (at least that I've hatched!)
The breed of silkie here in China is quite different and a couple of mine were born with naked feet and developed feathers much later.
Plus the beak is black, cant get that with Houdan. They are definatly from Houdan eggs and both our Silkie roos have feathered feet.

Silkies here are still close to a utility bird and not quite as pretty. Plus theres a big ammount of variety within the breed.
Here they are called Black Phoenix Chickens, so not really a silkie, but very similar.

So I guess its not really a Silkie cross, but when I used the name to describe the breed the Houdan Doc from UofAr agreed it was the closest description to the breed in the US.
He has also been here and we talked a lot about how different the US and Chinese Silkie varations are.

A couple more pictures, we let her run on the bed this morning to give her room to use her leggs.


(That's a shoulder, she likes my wife and ran up close to her)

Here in Shenzhen its almost 28 (nearly 78) degrees so a few minutes on the bed wont hurt her.
She seemed to love running. Not so good at forward, but she can go backward fast.

Keep going strong with the recovery, always wishing you the best of luck.
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I'm thinking of ordering some Mottled Houdan females from McMurray and just seeing how they do. I'll still be getting my 20 from Kevin, so if these do not grow to my liking for breeding, I can always keep them in my laying flock or sell them as pets.

I like that they are sexed. Might be worth it... If I get 1 or 2 worth breeding out of 10 I would be happy...

A friend of mine and a few others are putting together to get them imported. Might as well join in.. I'm going to get some Easter Eggers and maybe a few bantam cochins just because..

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