
Alright all now that school is out how are you able to get the kids off the computer ??????

3 1/2 weeks old and outside ....

Alright egg's for breakfast .....

Taste best when ya stand on them ...

Okay heads up

Got more

Bottoms up

Ya it was good

First day out in the introduction cage

I am so enjoying looking through this thread at all of the Houdans! We just got one this Spring and she is the sweetest. Hilarious and just charming as all get out. She follows me around and peeps and cries to be picked up, and when I do she's happy to just be carried around the yard or sit on my lap...I even take her over to visit neighbors and be petted by toddlers. I am so tickled with this bird. Her name is Adelaide. :)

I am so enjoying looking through this thread at all of the Houdans! We just got one this Spring and she is the sweetest. Hilarious and just charming as all get out. She follows me around and peeps and cries to be picked up, and when I do she's happy to just be carried around the yard or sit on my lap...I even take her over to visit neighbors and be petted by toddlers. I am so tickled with this bird. Her name is Adelaide. :)
Welcome to BYC. Houdans do have their own personality. Ours is always a favorite when we visit kids and adults.
I am so enjoying looking through this thread at all of the Houdans! We just got one this Spring and she is the sweetest. Hilarious and just charming as all get out. She follows me around and peeps and cries to be picked up, and when I do she's happy to just be carried around the yard or sit on my lap...I even take her over to visit neighbors and be petted by toddlers. I am so tickled with this bird. Her name is Adelaide. :)

Alright welcome to th Houdan Trend...

Good looking young lady you have there ....
I have a few mottled houdans we ordered ours off of cackle hatchery the hens are awesome the rooster is a little less then pleasant but ya know gotta love em all

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