House Goose Thread

This is how Pear sleeps
He is a little heart throb in the making. I miss Jupiter's baby days.....4 weeks ago

Pear is a cutie pie! With Cas, we roughed it (for us it was rough!) the tough love parent way lol. Yes it was hard, but after 3 nearly sleepless nights, Cas learned to sleep on his own, safe in his dog house with his toys. For us, having him sleep with us wouldn't be an option (with 2 dogs both weighing at least 80 pounds! And 2 not-so-tolerant cats WITH claws) because I would never sleep! I would've been up watching him to be sure he was safe! Only took 3 nights for him to settle down into a wake/sleep routine, although they were loud crying nights (for him and ME!) but we made it through. Now when I say "Bedtime" he goes and stands at the door of his house! You'll get it Carr, don't give up! Just be a strong goose Mama and stick to a routine. They LOVE routine and learn it quickly!

Guilty as charged. Most of the advice I dole out comes from a mushy, overly empathetic momma, lol :)

We don't have kids living at home or other pets. Crying all night was not an option as I really had to sell the idea of indoor pet geese to my husband. He consented, but he wasn't particularly supportive. I made promises to keep them quiet during the night and not fall behind on housework. I set up a sleeping space underneath a desk in the kitchen. My plan was to sleep on the couch near them. The male would scream if he couldn't see me. Sometimes he would scream even if he could see me, but wasn't right next to him. I tried getting them to sleep in a bin a few times in the 10 days they were a pair, but the one we ended up returning would scream. I can only take a few minutes of that before my tree hugging animal loving hippie side comes out, lol. The day the other one went back to the feedstore, was the same night Jupiter accepted her bed. She squalled for a couple of minutes, then settled in for sleep. She is like Cas in that, when 8:30pm rolls around, she lets us know in her special way that she's tired and wants to go to bed.

I think geese are like kids. What works for one may not work for another and vise versa. I try to keep my mind malleable. If one technique doesn't work, I try something else until I find one that does.
I'm sixteen and don't have plans to have kids until I'm out of vet school! My family was in love with Pear the First so when I said I was going to keep Pear Jr in the house everyone was excited. Everyone pretty much plays with him, and he'll sleep on everyone's feet!

A second vote for Party Fowl. I've got Jupiter wearing it 3 times a day, 90 minutes at a time. Next week, I'll increase it to 4 times a day. Now that she is diapered 4 1/2 hours a day, I'm hoping to get a prototype diaper insert made before too long. I just bought all the material for it.
Cas has outgrown his baby diaper and his new adult one is on its way. As soon as it arrives I'll post pics (and if I can figure out how, a video) of him getting it put on, changing it and wearing it around
We are finding that he's welcome at MANY places we wouldn't have thought of, as long as he is diapered!

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