House Pigeon advice.


11 Years
Apr 1, 2008
Ok, we have adopted a house pigeon.
She is 4, was raised by previous human parents from a naked baby after she was kicked off roof of apartment complex while spraying for moss. She is a standard pigeon, like the kind you see flying under overpasses or walking around the parking lots.
She is beautiful in my mind.
She wears a diaper if needed, she didn't live in a cage but a cat crate with them and was allowed to feed from a giant open pan of food. CRAP food.
She uses a large rabbit cage at our house, we adapted it with a roost board, etc.. She does not have free reign of our home during the day(M-Th) because I do childcare but she is allowed out in evenings.
I found some homemade pigeon food mixes online(I think on here) and she gets that food.
She seriously picks through it, and wastes a lot.
She is going through a molt right now. UGH Not only does she look awful but she has littered our house with TONS of feathers.

I have tried to get her to eat other things, no luck so far.
She seems to have picked me as her friend over my husband.

She has never been outside, she thinks she is a human basically so no way she could go outside. I think it would kill her, just the stress alone of being away from her humans.

So... any advice or food treats yours like?

How often will she molt? My finches barely molt and our chickens and ducks(outside) molt once in the Fall......

Oh and we have had her 3.5 weeks.
She would do good outside, with another pigeon as a friend. she should have a pigeon pal anyway as healthier for her.
try taking a coffee cup/tea cup, n only giving her half and down to fourth, if she keeps wasting feed. wild bird seed, multi grain scratch feeds, n chicken layer (mixing half scratch half layer better if feeding either or both), all good feeds, n some feed dog food. lol
Purina Racing pigeon feed is available at many feed stores (get the gold, not green), Best pigeon feed is actually additive called "manna pro", "poultry conditioner". it'll help with smother molting and much more, once get picky eater eating whatever feed given. train her to come to you/for food, given only fourth to half a day at dusk.
Quote: Just a heads up not all hand raised pigeons will except a mate That is the exception of course not the rule.

Did you know the medical profession would advise you not to house a pigeon in your home..

The best way to determine the sex of a pigeon is to ask another pigeon.
In a perfect world the pigeon on the right is usually more iridescent and larger than the ♀ pigeon on the left.

That being said no matter which method you choose to sex a pigeon mistakes are sometimes made. I usually can tell the gender of a pigeon just by looking at it (but I have been know to make mistakes too.)

On that note:
If you place your pigeon in the company of a know gender pigeon one can usually tell the gender of the pigeon in question by the reaction taken by the know gender.

(Too many references to gender in tha sentence but I think you can follow).

Check out the link the pigeon bowing and circling is the bird walking is ♀:

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If getting new pigeon, you may want to put possible male in bigger better cage etc first, as then it can establish territory, n then teach your pidgy its place if she gets aggressive at start, but keep them seperatd and cages against each other so they can see hear smell (pigeons found to have keen senses of smell n aids in homing.. so wonder if why some good lines have greatly exaggerated cere?), n feel each other for month. do limmited training with feed n make feed sound as do, as teach them to be a flock more.
I've had house pigeons hand raised n then live mostly on balcony but also followed me everywere n rode around perched on head n shoulder or hand. they adjust just fine to outside and mates, though never forget or lose love for you.

Hokum gives great adice that a long time of experience gives. me.. I'm disabled n just watch mine, n wild/feral flocks, too much as stress relief (mostly getting away from the gfs). I've noticed many variations in specific to sexes in breeds n even families/lines of pigeons. males: usually thicker heavier bodies all around, clap wings together when flying, chase females when flying (they may also chase adolescents), will pick a corner etc to defend n hoot at you more than females (females being more grunters), males dance n strut more. if you got no males you'll get four eggs, one male you'll get two eggs, two males you'll get no eggs.. lol
Its fussy as you are overfeeding it.. so its not hungry.

Only put the food pot in the cage once in the morning and once in the late afternoon. Only have it in there about 5 minutes... Then take it out. Don't add any more feed to the pot until its nearly empty.

It will eat its favourite seeds first.... then have to eat the others.

Its important it eats a variety of seeds and feed to prevent nutritional deficiencies.

It should also have a pot of pigeon grit and minerals to eat. They need the girt to digest the seed.

You don't need to feed treats if its so fussy.. as they will make it even more fussy!!!!! Once its eating normally, they usually love peanuts.

Housing pigeons in you home is not healthy. They make a lot of dust from their feathers... and now its moulting the dust will be even more. This can get into you lungs and give you a disease called pigeon fanciers lung.. which is very serious.

I don't think its a good idea to have it in the house if you are taking care of children in day care in there too.....

It will be happiest.. and it will be easier for you to take care of (and more pleasant).. if you make it a little coop / aviary in the garden and give it a mate for company. Also provide a container of water for a bath a few times a week.. will reduce the dust of the feathers.

Hope this help... well done for re homing this bird!
Mine used to love in warmest times of days, a good soaking with warm water in spray bottle, this kept dander no prob when had some pigeons inside for various reasons, but then when do, good idea to clean pan under grate or floor of cage, so no dust from feathers and poop, are allowed to dry up n get in air and on things. i wouldn't keep more than half dozen pigeons inside though or could be a real chore. lol
ive had many pigeons inside for years unfortunately, as had drunken local cops who were terrible shots at hitting them (but did start shooting many fur babies caged in yard), that made keeping them in my condo a nesessity. no lung trouble here, course i cleaned twice a day, many keepersofhundreds, advise cleaning bi yearly to monthly at most.. no wonder their lungs get bad and pigeons sick. lol

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