Housing Georgia Bobwhites and Coturnix Quail?


In the Brooder
Aug 5, 2018
Ive read a few post about this but am still unsure weather or not I should keep them in the same cage. Yesterday I picked up 2 month old georgia bobwhites I believe I have 6 female and 2 male. I put them in the same cage as the Coturnix quail. I can hardly tell at this age what sex they are but I think there are 10 female and 2 male. The cage is 5ft by 3ft. They are all doing okay so far. Can they be kept in the same cage?
What are your plans for the birds? Food, pets, release? Chicks could be alright until they hit maturity, but they haven't been raised up together so might be more aggressive and/or fearful. If you and I have read the same posts, you've seen that most attempts at mixing adults end in bloody tragedy.

If you mean you have 20 birds total, that cage will become very cramped, very quick. Bobwhites have different space requirement compared to Coturnix, and it only takes one violent bird to terrorize the rest.

If you have the means, I'd separate them.
X2 what @le_bwah said, Bob's and Cot's should be housed in seperate enclosures. The 5' x 3' cage is big enough for one or the other but not both and the Bob's will more than likely win in a battle. If you can build another cage, that would be the best route to take for your birds and your own peace of mind.
Ive read a few post about this but am still unsure weather or not I should keep them in the same cage. Yesterday I picked up 2 month old georgia bobwhites I believe I have 6 female and 2 male. I put them in the same cage as the Coturnix quail. I can hardly tell at this age what sex they are but I think there are 10 female and 2 male. The cage is 5ft by 3ft. They are all doing okay so far. Can they be kept in the same cage?
At 2 months old and considering the time of year with the waning day light the bobs might not turn Blood thirsty till the spring. But thats just my theory. How ever when the Spring Daylight hours start to get longer i suspect there will be a lot of mangled Cots. In that small an enclosure even the Bob Whites are are a danger them selves. Very Very combative during the breeding season. Blood everywhere. and they are like Pirahnas once blood is visible they all get their licks in. I'd recommend working on a separate cage ASAP. Bobs Covey and play well together in the Fall/Winter, Pair off and become aggressive in the spring/summer,
I am going to build another cage for the bobwhites. How big should the enclosure be for the georgia bobwhite breed. I have 8 of them
I am going to build another cage for the bobwhites. How big should the enclosure be for the georgia bobwhite breed. I have 8 of them
For that many bobs id say no less than 3x8 and even then id put some hiding places ( upside down pots, Irrigation pipe sections etc.)inside to help the most picked on get some safety. I have a 3x12 pen with pots scattered around and i have 3 half inch by 6 inch planks running across so that they cant see all the way to the other end with out climbing over it, Like i posted earlier during the spring they WILL fight but i

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