
11 Years
Feb 22, 2008
Thousand Oaks, CA
I have been housesitting 7 adult guineas and 9 babies. This is my first time dealing with them and all was well for first 25 days. Today a series of events created a nightmare,,, first I must not have latched the nursery door well enough...second when I got hoelate...there was two inches of water flooding through the Guinea coop because the irrigation ditch had clogged and decided to run a river through the guinea coop. The adults must have harrassed the babies ...2 of which spend a large part of the day banging on the mesh separating them from the nursery. I was so happy to not see any dead keets in the coop....then to my horror I saw one on the roof and one in the garden....I don't know how they made it through the wire cage....they are huge in comparison...even outdoing my houdini Gracie. Their dog killed one and five are missing...I searched but it was real close to roosting time. I was thinking of chaining their dog tomorrow and letting them free range...they do this usually for a few hours when I get home...I thought if anyone could attract them they could...any other suggestions...I am just so worried about those little guys...

Woke up early this am to deal with...and I was wrong on the count there were 12 total (I just couldn't remember...but found my notes on the place) ALL 5 MISSING BABIES WERE CRYING TO BE LET INTO THE COOP! It took me 2 seconds to round them up as I just had to put down the food and they ran in. I still feel really bad about the baby that was killed by their dog...but considering what could have been...i'm really happy!

Whew! Glad you found the missing babies. They are little Houdinis. I have a little pied who has already been named Kimball (as in Richard Kimball from The Fugitive). I had a brooder jailbreak at my house and Kimball took us 20 minutes to catch! Little boogers!

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