Houston Chicken Swap Meet, Lets Start One!

and I have a few of little wings birds!!! they are great!!! one roo I got from him takes care of all of my girls and has the purdiest of lil chickletts!!! high blue ratio!!!
hey ken wanna trade?!?!?! lol
im good! ive been bz back at school! its a lot easier now than the 1st time I had to take all these classes!
hey I think that light barred pullet may wind up being a cockrel!!! lol still sweet lookin! if she does turn out a roo im breeding it with the lt brahma I got with it!!!
Dang. I was hoping it was a big ol hen :) You can trade him for any of those other roos you saw or bring it back and Ill give you a hen.
and I have a few of little wings birds!!! they are great!!! one roo I got from him takes care of all of my girls and has the purdiest of lil chickletts!!! high blue ratio!!!
hey ken wanna trade?!?!?! lol
I have a beautiful blue OE roo with feathered legs and a pea comb about 8 weeks old. You need him!

Seriously, I have a bunch of cross breeds I need to get rid of. I'll make someone a good deal!
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All mine have held true to their sex so far! Yokie laid 6 days in a row! Starting to wonder if i have another hen starting but i dont think anything i have would be comprable to the yokie
Wow, she's a laying machine. I may have to get me some of those....What am I saying.
I would totally take a light brahma if you bread them! But I bet they won't be ready by the 14th... I'm hoping to have them all the same age and all babies cause I want them to bond with me and my kids...

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