Houston Chicken Swap Meet, Lets Start One!

I think we need an inside the Beltway Swap. Country folks get nervous when you ask them to come into Houston past the Beltway. I get a lot of calls from people very interested in chickens, then when I give them my address to google, they don't call back. LOL
I think we need an inside the Beltway Swap. Country folks get nervous when you ask them to come into Houston past the Beltway. I get a lot of calls from people very interested in chickens, then when I give them my address to google, they don't call back. LOL
well thats cuz we live in DA GHETTO!!!!!l LMAO
I think we need an inside the Beltway Swap. Country folks get nervous when you ask them to come into Houston past the Beltway. I get a lot of calls from people very interested in chickens, then when I give them my address to google, they don't call back. LOL
Y'all are makin fun of us 'burb peeps!
No were not. We are making fun of our selves because we really do live in the ghetto. I can't wait to move back too the country. My wife is from Alto and thinks Magnolia is the big city.
hey im from inner city houston! i grew up rough!!! i dont blame peeps for not wanting to come into this city! my childhood prepared me for my year and a half deployed in Iraq!
we moved to Ft Hood and loved it! what we would do to move back or someplace like that! quiet, no choppers over head at night, no gun fire! HEAVEN!!!!
I do like the quiet here although the area isn't as country as it was ten years ago. In a lot of ways the subdivisions (HOAs) are much stricter than the city about how you keep your property.
Seems like the Heights or Montrose would be as interesting a place as Austin in considering an urban coop tour though...
hey im from inner city houston! i grew up rough!!! i dont blame peeps for not wanting to come into this city! my childhood prepared me for my year and a half deployed in Iraq!
we moved to Ft Hood and loved it! what we would do to move back or someplace like that! quiet, no choppers over head at night, no gun fire! HEAVEN!!!!
The place I live is considered "high crime." But in fact, I never hear gunfire. Unless it's my own that I furtively shoot from time to time. Choppers overhead pretty regularly though. Did you see the report on a bunch of folks trying to make it easier to own hens in Houston? I did. Could have been mentioned already, apologies if so. Getting caught up with the thread. I don't read this nearly as often as I should.

And by the way, hows the EEs? The ones I gave the kid are laying. And darned if one isn't laying a light blue every day! The other, a blue-green sorta.

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