Hova-bator & ventilation


6 Years
May 23, 2013
Ok, I am on my first hatch... experimenting with 9 eggs of my own first.

I have gotten mixed directions on the vent plugs on the Hova-bator... should they or should they not be opened (two red plugs on the top)...

or is it a total preference issue??? I do realize there are holes in the bottom but did not know if I really should open both of the top vents...

Currently I have one open and one closed... opening both caused my temperatures to fluctuate more variedly than just having one open...

Also, should they be opened during the lock down period and hatch or should I plug them???

Thanks for any info.
does your model have a fan or is it still air? Did you see if there were instructions in the manual? I have a 1583 (fan) and my manual said to keep the one vent with the plug closed at the beginning. The other vent has no plug and is over the fan.
duh... total lack of information...

its the 1602 with the fan installed... the problem was that the manual that come with it said one thing and the manual online said another...
(one said remove plugs the other said leave them in!)

neither are over the fan on this model, I candled the eggs at day 8 and saw some blood vessels so I figured I was on the right path but didn't know it would make a difference as they progressed???
duh... total lack of information...

its the 1602 with the fan installed... the problem was that the manual that come with it said one thing and the manual online said another...
(one said remove plugs the other said leave them in!)

neither are over the fan on this model, I candled the eggs at day 8 and saw some blood vessels so I figured I was on the right path but didn't know it would make a difference as they progressed???
well I know that you need more humidity and possibly a slightly lower temperature during the hatch so people make changes when they go into lockdown. I'll look more at the manual for the 1583 and get back to you
Red vent plugs are located on the top of the incubator. These
should be removed when the incubator is used at altitudes greater
than 6000 feet above sea level. One or both may also be removed
during or after the hatch if water drops appear on the window due
to high humidity. This will help to dry the chicks and the incubator.
If removing the plugs does not reduce the humidity enough, it may
be necessary to prop up the top slightly, to facilitate drying. If so,
be sure to maintain proper temperature. Alternately, the top may
be removed quickly, and moisture wiped from the windows to aid
drying. Replace the plugs after the chicks are removed.

I am just going to leave one open/one closed right now... the temp seems to be fairly regulated and the humidity anywhere between 39-50% when left open...

When I close them the humidity holds higher... around 50-65%...

Not sure exactly where it ought to be as there are so many differences of opinion on that one... so I will run this one out and see if there is any luck...
We have chicks!!! I was going to post pics but for some reason it would not upload...

So far 5 of 9 chicken eggs have pipped with one hatching before I left for work this morning... and 2 of 3 quail eggs have hatched....


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