How About a Jumbo Co Op

So I finally got around to cooking a package on my Culled F2's. Decided to make some soup, its kind of cool tonight.
JJMR I don't need to know how long you think it will take after all. So go ahead and BBQ those chicks anyold time.

Thought I'd show you another White Meat choice.



Sorry, I came in from collecting eggs and it was all gone. So I can't show you the finished soup. All I can tell you is it didn't last long at all.

It really does make a difference in how you growout your birds.
So this project is finished. I'll be contacting the breeder tonight and he'll be coming for his eggs.
Enjoy your birds.
I'm putting eggs from Buttercup Chillin in the bator tonight. I'll put about another 80 eggs from my current breeders in the bator on Friday. that way I won't be confusing the hatches. I'll keep Buttercup's birds separate from my own at least for the first generation. I know the big sizes that people usually post are their females. My question to the group is how big are your roosters? I've posted the question before but I got ranges of weights and stuff like "if its bigger than 10 oz"...I want to know, how big are the roosters you, members of the CoOp, feel are worthy of being your breeders. I'll post my rooster's weight when I get home tonight. I culled down to one roo and 6 hens for the winter and haven't hatched any yet this spring.
I weighed my roo the last time when he was 8 weeks old. He was just under 10 oz, like 9.7... Like you I butchered all but him and 9 hens. I had a friend call today wanting some quail, corts to breed. I just happen to be lookin to get out of my present blood line and set him up. He picks them up after work tomorrow. Now I have open pen space (for the ones to hatch the 14th) and the first income from my birds. Its been a good day:lol: Bill
I sold a bunch of my culls last fall. I spent one day putting 80 birds in the freezer. I was up until the wee hours of the morning. So the next batch of 60 some quail got sold for 3 to 4 dollars each. Sold them all at breeding age. I did put a few of the roosters in the freezer. I sold most of them as quads. So, I had some left over Roos. Took about 15 to auction just to test the price. I found that my jumbos didn't go for any more than the pharoah quail. Mine were almost twice as big. Think they went for $3.25. I did get rid of some extra roos that way though. My roo was 11.5 oz at 9 weeks. He's the largest of anything I've hatched in over a year. He's a white, a&m, whatever you want to call him. He came from eggs from BJ's game bird farm. I've got three hens from that hatch too and a couple jumbo browns and one golden. Should be an interesting hatch.
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I'm putting eggs from Buttercup Chillin in the bator tonight - I picked them up at the PO today, hoping to squeeze every possible chick out of that box of eggs

Thanks again, Buttercup
I know what you mean, mine should hatch Monday. Im as excited about getting a few of her golds as I am the larger birds.... Kinda feels like x-mas just before you unwrap the gifts, wonder'in just whats in there... Bill
Now, when some of you do raise out some nice big butter cup golds or other colors, I would be wanting to be first in line for succesful progeny. I look forward to any heads up on auction or sale of this new strain, improving the birds.

Please keep me posted. PM me or what have you. I was too new to join in to the COOP, but feel ready now and have the facilities to do so.

Thank you Buttercup and those particpating. This IS like Christmas for all of us.

Yup, like Christmas ...

My Buttercup eggs went into the bator wednesday's going to feel like a very looooong couple weeks till hatch!
@ kahlertm....i LKE it..."BUTTERCUP GOLDS"....

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