How About a Jumbo Co Op

Mine are in lockdown. Hoping for some biggons to add to my biggons
And this, folks, is exactly why I don't bother with jumbos anymore. The smaller quail bring the same prices here as the jumbos but they eat 1/2 as much.
I have told you to watch for other color Mutations that they are shooting out. The following bird is not a mutation but from Breeding. But you never know they may decide to do a little breeding on their own.
This is the Egyptian Black Gold - I suppose I could have called it Texas Black Gold but wouldn't want anyone to get confused. They have the distinctive Markings of the Egyptian Golds. These are the source of some of the eggs I sent out to everyone. They are some of the mothers of the F2's and a few of their eggs were also sent out.

I also have Egyptian Beige Gold and am working on the Egypian Rusty Gold. There is also another Reversed that I am working with. All are at least Jumbos.
Steven my males that I keep are at least 10 oz at 6 weeks. Culls can be less, I pick my breeders and cull the rest, I don't weigh the culls.
I met a guy Wednesday that had just gave away his Harlequins to another guy, cause he couldn't sell any of the birds or eggs. To small for Texas, nobody wanted them.

The following pics are adolescents from quaillady that I took to show her the colors. I put two in a ground pen and did zoom in on them alittle so she could see them better. I will let her tell you about them. The One that Looks Fawn or Roux Dilute carries other colors. They were actually sent to me by mistake, not her fault. But I ended up with a Trio.
But I have them now so you know what I will do with them. Make them As Big As They Can Get. Yes, she said to post them for her. So here are a few of the better pics I took.




Now you know, more colors are coming and getting bigger.
Edited to add: I owe my breeder close to 300 eggs and he will be by in aweek or so to colect eggs and my largest Males. I keep the First 3 hatches, that includes my F1's. The Egyptian Black Golds are mine, not his and they stay. I have another F1 hatched from the second parent Browns and will start a new F2 in 9 weeks. Hope you all have at least decent hatches.
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Can you still feather sex the Egyptian birds? I just turned your eggs the last time at 7:00 tonight, lock'em down and should start hatch'in Monday....Bill
Yes, all of the Egypian Colors are feather sexed.

The Whites that I have and am working on, the Bright White are at this time easy to sex, due to size. Later it may be a problem. But remember they came from this line. In this line the females have big heads. I can tell at hatch how many females, I have.

Now that I have had another line, I understand now why people had no clue what I was talking about. But you will understand when the Girls start hatching. OH, the last hatch I had, they were pecking at the wires at 1 hour old. They were hungry already. These babies hatch hungry.

The Whites, I expect to work with a White Gold in reg color and in Egyptian. These Whites are bright, they have a shimmer and shine to them.
The pure Whites compared to the pure A&M Whites are easy to tell apart. But they still need work on size and meat. A few of you have asked for them and they were sent. But they are very lethal.

Sorry quaillady, I forgot to put weights on your above birds at 5 weeks. 7.2 oz and 7.8 so whenever you started working with them and I know they were Pharoah size at what? They are doing good. pst, you could send me a few more. Its kind of hard to set up 2 lines to cross using 2 Hens and 1 Roo....I am going to have a hard time with those numbers. Lets see, I have Bright Whites to trade. Want them Pure White right or Black and White or one of the Egyptians? Hum, what else do I have tucked away

Oh, speaking of tucked away. If any of you get a Jumbo Tux that is a certain Jumbo Tux from Shelley that I tucked in with the Gold pen. Well, thats where it came from and its a Jumbo.
The Blacks are EXQUISITE!!!! Must order Blacks from someone. PM me when any of you have blacks. Incredible. Gorgeous and dual purpose. Is there anything better on earth?? Well I wont ask for real... But those blacks are beautiful.


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