How About a Jumbo Co Op

I think that was" Acapulco" instead of "Egyptian" gold....aint real sure, those days were "partly cloudy" for me. But I would like a pen full of the Egyptian golds of Buttercups. If I remember right I got 5 eggs out of those. We'll see, I have three pipping now. Bill

Keep us posted on what you have hatch out Bill...some of us have to live vicariously through others while we wait for ours to hatch .
yours are hatching...NOW? i'll be waiting to hear...
Well I have 3 running around my hatcher\\bator, play'in soccer with the other eggs. 2 eggs were marked (2) and 1 was a (6). If memory serves, those were browns and the golds were 4 and 5's.... pips everywhere so I should have a brooder full by morning too. They are start'in just a little early.... Come on golds !! Bill
Well good luck with your hatches people, remember their lethals. The name should remind you.

I see no one else wants me to name my birds. That's strange when I am giving them to people to breed, to trade and to sell.
That's right there are only 4 colors aren't there. Oops I have more than that. The birds must be done shooting out mutations.

JJMR don't you remember the argument with Deerman months back in the Color Mutation thread. It got to the point where I couldn't post anywhere. Or the Article I posted in that other thread about where those birds came from.

I do still have the P1 M. Golds that I used for covering. Until Morning. So Co-op people you might get both or none. I pen is the old Gold, 1 is the new.
So I will cull the old Golds in the morning. The birds must be done Mutating after all. The breeder can have all my Males from the Covey pen. All of them. I will put the New Egyptian Golds over the Brown hens. Hatch their chicks and cull the older brown hens. Walla, no more old Golds.

That means a couple people will get all new. What is in my brooder, now will need 9 weeks. They might be Egypians, but I don't think so.

I could have not given their decription or the warning in their name. Or left room for others to add a breeder name of their choice, of coarse they are going to have to breed them. They might need help. A lot of these people are rather new to raising Coturnix, let alone breeding them. Oh, and after all who is afraid of Whites, they aren't lethal. Oh, yes they are.
I could have called them something else entirely.

OK, I'll just keep the rest of the colors for myself then. They don't exist evidently and I have no right to name them.
Doesn't look like others want anything new to work on after all. I thought for sure I heard over and over that people wanted other colors to work with.
Why don't we have .....? Oh that's right you're going to go to Canada to get 1 color. Maybe I should wait, I might pull green afterall. I have the other.

So, I don't have the right to name them? Then neither does anyone else have the right to name anything that they bring forth or breed. OK, I will not pull more colors from them or give them out. The Egypian Golds are only one of many colors here in American all along. I set my birds mutating to give them to you. But you don't want them.
the thing is , is that she says they are not "old colors" as you put it but ones she has been working on. Example is her "Egyptian Black Gold " that she posted pictures of. PLUS she wants folks to understand that they are carrying lethal genes so the name helps to designate that .
I have yet to see any side-by-side comparison showing that these truly are different. They don't look any different to me. Manchurian and Italian golds and browns also have lethal genes.
I have never said that you could not name any new colors. If fact if you have new colors then GREAT. I am happy that you have accomplished something that you were striving for. We should all be so fortunate.
My question was what is an Egyptian Gold? I have never heard this name before. I took it as Shelly not knowing the same thing and asking you as well. I have in no way said that you were renaming old colors or pulling names out of a hat or even stating that you had no idea on how to breed.
I do not see were this bitterness is coming from when all we did was ask you a question about a color of bird that you are breeding.

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