How big does a pond have to be for a pair of swans?

I dunno! Good question! Hopefully soon someone will come along with the answer!
I think some things to consider would be the species, size of the swans, quality of the water, etc. Black swans could make due with less water and shallower (maybe as little as 2 ft deep or so) than larger species like Mutes or Trumpeters which would obviously do best with a larger pond that is deeper. Different breeders keep them in a variety of water areas or ponds. If you're letting the swans keep and raise their cygnets, make sure the sides of the ponds have a gentle slope to them so the babies can get out of the water easily.
The bigger the better. If not they will wander around on land which posses problems. This topic has been discussed once before and you can search for it but i believe 1/4 acre of water was the bare minimum. The water should be more than a 2 foot deep. You have to consider what the water quality is going to be like when summer rolls around and if things will get stagnant or not. I have a 1/4 acre pond and a female mute (currently for sale), i have her trained to put herself up with the ducks and geese in the aviary at night and she will walk to the pond in the morning. But the pond is not big enough to keep her occupied so i occasionally see her walking around the pond or back to the aviary to get something to eat (another thing to consider is edible vegetation in the pond)
Lately she has been swimming in the pond then spending the majority of the day sleeping a few yards away in a half eaten round bale that has been scattered. She kinda has a nest thing going on.
Ken McConnell raised thousands of swans in Red Bluff Ca. in ponds that were 10x10 and 2-3ft deep, drained and cleaned 3-4 times a week. I raise many Blackneck swans on small ponds- 20x20- usually 2-3 clutches a yr. Blacks and Coscorobas along with BNs can be kept on very small ponds so long as they have fresh water. The larger northern swans, especially Trumpeters and Whoopers are happiest with at least a 10x10 to 20x20 again with fresh cool water. Bewicks and Whistlers breed best on larger ponds.
Two to three clutches per year on your blackneck swans is great! Do you let the parents raise each brood or how do you work that? Could I ask what you're selling your blacknecks for per pair?
This was great information. We will be putting a pond in this year for our ducks and would love swans eventually so I will know to plan ahead. Thank you. Putting a pond in will be so exciting. Ok off to do more research.
This is great information. Actually I just started keeping the swans at my house. I was wondering about specs for the pond. It educated me a lot . Hope to share more in future.

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