How bout a Gypsy Wagon coop ???

Thank you very much !
The whole thing started with my desire to build a full size Gyspy Wagon camper. I was doing research online and wham ! it hit me, within an hour I had the floor to the coop built and was cypherin' the angles of the sides !
I will try to post some more pix asap, I lost a lot to a harddrive crash, but I had mailed a lot of them, so I think I can track em down.
Here's a couple of the lil red schoolhouse coop. I spent most of last yr. just making these...they are a popular coop, but don't have much room for artistic expression.



Ya know I went to sleep pondering this idea last night and the more I thought of it, the idea of really doing it just grew and grew !
( then I drifted off to sleep and dreamed that Thing 2 & Thing 1 were eating the bulbs on my Christmas tree !
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A traveling Gypsy chicken coop maker....hmm, I'm starting to sense a theme here !
( I'm gonna need more silk shirts and some cooler boots !

Honey I can sew! LOL

I know a great cobbler too!

Can you make that thing big enough for me and 2 kids to live in?

I'll need a couple more to haul the dogs and chickens around with us.

It could be out "Mobile Home!" hehe

And you are not just a builder you are an artist. I have an uncle that used to build stuff like this. He made all of my cousins beds when we were small. One was a pagota, one was a clown and the other was a circus wagon bunk bed. They were awesome.

I love anyone with an imagination that can look at something and use the concept for a totally different use.

LOL ! You're first on my itinerary !
Your cousins were blessed, imagine falling to sleep every night in those cool beds !
And speaking of Pagodas, as soon as I had finished the Gypsy coop, I started a Japanese Pagoda tractor for my newest Serama pair ! The base of it is a huge 5'x3' coffee table from the 70's, it's going to be 2 tiers with curved roof lines. I'll post some work in progress pix of it as soon as I get back to work on it.
Danny, I just love your Gypsy tractor! It's a work of art. You've got me thinking all kinds of thoughts now about how to make our own, and I meant that as a compliment. Anything that can inspire me to get off my bum and want to build something myself is an accomplishment indeed,

Great job, and thanks for posting this for all to see! Keep up the great work!
So ok...I'llbe first to ask...just how much are you asking for these little cuties? We all have a certain 'chicken accessary' budget you know.

Cincy huh?

Debbie it's currently listed right here in the BYC classifieds for $450.00. But if your chicken accessary budget is anything like mine, I fear the delivery charge may be a deal breaker.
( even if I only charged you from Cincy ! )

Well I'm gonna see if I can work on that. There may be a trip to NC in the future...we do have a pick-up.
Oooh, I'd love to see it ! I tried to do a search on it but no luck, do you have a link by chance ? ty

Sorry, this is all I could find. I don't know what happened to the original thread. It's a real cute, whimsical coop.

Oh, that is cute. Thank you !
I did a playhouse sorta like it once, made to look lopsided and kinda wonky. It was actually one of the harder construction projects I've tackled.
Well, the Gypsy coop sold, THANK YOU S & T ! They also want a matching red one !
So Santa is workin overtime, I'll try to get some work in progress pix posted if I can stop long enough to to take em.

And a big thanks to everyone here, what a warm welcome it has been. I can't wait to get to know you all better and share many more clucks. Peace, good will - Danny
I was looking at coops designs online and ran across this old post. I remember how much I loved it and wondered if Danny is still around and what he might be creating now. Also thought it was worth bumping up for the newbies.

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