How communicable are duck diseases?


Jul 16, 2017
Hello! My neighbors recently got three pekin ducks from a friend of theirs, and one of them has some sort of respiratory issue. Her right eye is bubbling and the other has damp feathers around it. She seems to be wheezing and I saw a bit of discharge from her nares. She isn't as glossy as the other two ducks and her bill is a lot more pale then theirs. It's kind of a peachy color. She also has trouble walking but from the information my neighbors gave me, she's always been like that. I looked at her legs and one of them (don't remember which) seems to be bent inwards.

I was over there today, giving these three some of the all flock feed that I have as my neighbors were trying to feed them nothing but bread -_-

My worry is passing on what ever the ducks have to my chickens. All of my birds are healthy, and I took a shower as soon as I got back to my house, made my family members wash their hands (they didn't touch the ducks at all), I even washed off my shoes lol. We went over in a golfcart and I'm worried that the disease could be lingering on the tires/some other place. We drove in their yard, but the ducks don't have a pen so who knows where they've been.

I feel pretty bad for the ducks but I don't have any place to quarantine them so I can't take them. Are ducks always carriers of respiratory diseases?

My main question is, how likely is it that the ducks will pass on whatever they have to my chickens?

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I would say this is from in proper care and nutrition...if ducks can't properly clean there nares it causes those issues. As for walking alot of Pekin have issues with their legs die to size, especially if not feed enough niacin early on. The turned in foot isn't a big issue. Some just have it. I have a Pekin that is pigeon toed on one foot also, but is fine in every other way...she's a big girl so much slower than my runners but if she wants to she can get up and go. Bread is not good for ducks and I would bet the bubbles in eyes are from clogged nares causing infection. Ducks have to have clean water deep enough to at least dunk their whole bill into to prevent this from happening.
Hi @ccchick_57 :frowWelcome To BYC

Hopefully @casportpony @WVduckchick will chime in.

Your question is very hard to answer, without testing, there's no way to know what you are dealing with.

I'll be honest, I don't know much about ducks, but @Tlmcq has made some good points/observations- their care seems to be questionable, so....IF their troubles are from poor care/nutrition and unsanitary conditions, then transmission of illness could be minimal.

Mycoplasma and Newcastle are the 2 respiratory illnesses that come to mind that may possibly affect both chickens and ducks (there may be others). However, there may be different strains - so I'm just not sure what the cross over would look like or if it's possible.

It is such a very good idea to practice Bio-Security anytime you are dealing with someone else's birds regardless if they appear healthy or sick. Washing the clothes, hands, showering, etc. was good. Yes, it could be a concern that you pick up something on the tires of a vehicle, your caution is commendable.

Common Poultry Diseases:

Good info from the others. Hopefully with a start of better nutrition and clean water for them, they will be fine and haven't carried anything into your area.

I tend to think if they came from somewhere nearby, there is less chance of carrying something that your birds would be any more susceptible to, but there are never any guarantees.

I have a feeling yours will be fine, but I'd keep an eye on them, and keep the birds at as much distance as possible, until you see how it all shakes out. A few weeks should tell the tale.
Hello! My neighbors recently got three pekin ducks from a friend of theirs, and one of them has some sort of respiratory issue. Her right eye is bubbling and the other has damp feathers around it. She seems to be wheezing and I saw a bit of discharge from her nares. She isn't as glossy as the other two ducks and her bill is a lot more pale then theirs. It's kind of a peachy color. She also has trouble walking but from the information my neighbors gave me, she's always been like that. I looked at her legs and one of them (don't remember which) seems to be bent inwards.

I was over there today, giving these three some of the all flock feed that I have as my neighbors were trying to feed them nothing but bread -_-

My worry is passing on what ever the ducks have to my chickens. All of my birds are healthy, and I took a shower as soon as I got back to my house, made my family members wash their hands (they didn't touch the ducks at all), I even washed off my shoes lol. We went over in a golfcart and I'm worried that the disease could be lingering on the tires/some other place. We drove in their yard, but the ducks don't have a pen so who knows where they've been.

I feel pretty bad for the ducks but I don't have any place to quarantine them so I can't take them. Are ducks always carriers of respiratory diseases?

My main question is, how likely is it that the ducks will pass on whatever they have to my chickens?


As long as you are practicing biosecurity, you shouldn't have a problem. Because the neighbor and his ducks are distanced from your chickens I don't think it would be an issue. However, if you are trekking over in your muck boots over there, and using your same muck boots with your birds, there is a definite chance of cross contamination.

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