How do chicks get lost in the mail?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Aug 14, 2012
Traverse City, MI
I ordered 3 silkie chicks (which I was so excited about) they shipped Monday morning out of Illinois only coming to norther michigan. I had chicks shipped from a hatchery before in Ohio so this shipping not process is not complicated. Well tracking the shipment they never even left the sort facility they were dropped off at.

I called usps in a panic and they opened an investigation to try and find them. Well here we are, it's wednesday night. The chicks have been in a shipment box with grow gel since Monday morning and still nobody seems to know where they are. How does a box of peeping chicks get lost?

Postal service said they did leave the sort faculty but somehow don't have a departure code to prove that. Have basically passed the Blaim to fedex saying that was their next destination for the flight. By tomorrow morning these poor babies will have been in rout for 4 days.. I've almost lost all hope that they will be found or will somehow show up. Has this happened to anyone else? It's just crazy.... Who loses chicks?! Apparently the usps does!
Aww. I'm so sorry. I was in the same situation last night. Keep calling and talking to as many people as you can. Have you contacted the person/hatchery that sends them? Someone on my thread reminded me that the temps are too cold yet so that is in your favor. With USPS. you can add your cell phone number to the tracking number on their website and it will text you if they are checked in or leave any location. As I found out over the past few days, it is not updated as much as it could be but at least it is something. I did get a text in the middle of the night which made me feel a little better.

Praying your little ones are found soon. Keep us updated.
Update... In the middle of the night I started recieving text updates as I had already requested this when I knew they shipped. Around 3am they were on their way. My post office called at 6am this morning and I went and picked them up. 3 were shipped on Monday and one 1 was alive as they arrived this morning. So so sad!! I was sure I was about to lose this little one as it was in rough rough shape, as it should be after traveling for 4 days. After a lot of determination this little chick is now eating and drinking on its own. At least I was able to save 1!
You have my deepest sympathy for all the stress you've been through and losing all but one chick on top of all that. I went through it recently myself, having my shipment disappear for a full twelve hours before it showed up on tracking again, arriving 24 hours after they were supposed to.

Having been through this ordeal twice in the last five months, I don't think I have the fortitude to do chicks through mail order for a good long time if ever again.
Oh my gosh! I am so sorry that happened.
How heartbreaking. Only once my chicks got delayed. 3 days from Tx to Ca? They all made it, they were packed with cucumber slices thank goodness. Maybe time for a local breeder for me.
How is the little one doing?  So sorry for your loss. 

It's doing great! After much debate between myself and the seller she wanted to replace the ones who didn't make it. I finally agreed to ship.. Well.. They were supposed to arrive by 3pm today and are MIA. So hoping this doesn't happen again! I'm losing all faith in the usps.
I've got my personal usps offices direct line. The person who called about the last shipments arrival...that's the number I would call regularly. My p.o. knows me by name now. I've only had 3 shipments in 2 months but I sure called a lot when my two day shipment went to 3 1/2 days. I lost 5 chicks out of 11!

I'm not sure I will be shipping for awhile...wish local was possible.
I've got my personal usps offices direct line. The person who called about the last shipments arrival...that's the number I would call regularly. My p.o. knows me by name now. I've only had 3 shipments in 2 months but I sure called a lot when my two day shipment went to 3 1/2 days. I lost 5 chicks out of 11!

I'm not sure I will be shipping for awhile...wish local was possible.

Thankfully my chicks arrived this morning. Man the usps has horrible tracking.. It's like they fell out of the sky in the middle of the night. Thank goodness they were only one day late this time. Probably not going to deal with shipping for a while.

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