How do I deter foxes in broad daylight?


Feb 1, 2015
Public Holiday in suburbia Melbourne today, we are having a lazy morning cuppa on the couch and about 9.30am the girls all start, what I initially thought was, "Come look, I've just laid an egg song".
As sometimes happens, everyone joined in the song (we have 9 girls and 1 silkie Rooster), and it sounded like a couple of the girls were having a fight. Then there was a little bit more of the squawks like fighting and the notes changed - something was up.
We both dropped our cuppas and bolted for the backyard (the girls always freerange) and he goes one direction and I head down the yard towards the coop. I get about half way and I see a fox slinking out from the direction of the entrance of the coop and hurriedly between the sheds and over the back fence.
At 9.30am in the morning, broad daylight, sunny morning! If it wasn't a holiday, no one would have been at home and he might have had a right old feast!
Girls are all safe but how the hell do I keep foxes from my yard during the day?
Sadly, we do not have a safe place to lock them up during the day. Their coop leads straight out to the backyard.
Guns are not an option either.
Setting a trap and relocating might be an option, I know laws for capturing and relocating possums are stupid - you can only release them so far from where they were captured. Not sure what the legality of foxes are.
Did some reading and saw somewhere else someone suggested a radio. Will definitely turn that on when we are not home.
Also saw the an human adult males pee can deter. Told my other half to use the backyard as his bathroom :)
We also went out and bought one of those ultra sonic deterrents this morning.
The other half is fixing a gap in the fence as I type, that is the most probable entry/exit point for Mr Fox.
Thanks for your suggestions!
Sadly, we do not have a safe place to lock them up during the day. Their coop leads straight out to the backyard.
Guns are not an option either.
Setting a trap and relocating might be an option, I know laws for capturing and relocating possums are stupid - you can only release them so far from where they were captured. Not sure what the legality of foxes are.
Did some reading and saw somewhere else someone suggested a radio. Will definitely turn that on when we are not home.
Also saw the an human adult males pee can deter. Told my other half to use the backyard as his bathroom :)
We also went out and bought one of those ultra sonic deterrents this morning.
The other half is fixing a gap in the fence as I type, that is the most probable entry/exit point for Mr Fox.
Thanks for your suggestions!
Im not gonna lie, id trap it, load it up in the night and drive hours away to release it lol only illegal if you get caught, but seriously, best option is to lock them up, this is going to sound weird... but human urine helps too, its a human scent they dont like and stay away from, yes iv tried it and its worked as far as i can tell, iv had no animal issues at all
If you know the fox is getting through a gap, put a snare in that gap, if you can't buy a fox snare, you can make one.
Caution: it will catch dogs and similar animals
Sorry to say, you have a big problem.
It has located food is and it will return.

Fox are opportunists and extremely crafty and careful.

You will likely loose your entire flock before you get close to trapping it.
There I have too much experience. I tired fighting mother nature...

Your best defence will be a strong offence.

Many have success using electric fences, but personally, I keep my flock in a very secure run.

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