How do I DISINFECT my coop after chicken illnesses?

I am going through this as well. Just culled 13 hens and 1 rooster for the exact same illness. I removed all organic material. Rinsed it down with water and bleach solution then went back over every surface with a srub brush and bleach. Then rinsed. Then used a spray bottle and sprayed every surface area with the water bleach solution. Took about 3 hours total. We dont have a water hose that will reach so we had to carry multiple buckets of water up. We also dusted the whol field with dehydrated lime.

My question is this.......When I dust the inside of the coop with the lime today, Do I have to remove it or clean it out before inroducing new birds? Or do I just put some bedding in and put the new birds in? Is lime not dangerous to them? I was going to dust the perches really well and when I add new birds will it be dangerous to them?

What is the time period of Cleaning and Disinfecting to add new birds?

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