How do I find other chicken keepers near me?


May 18, 2022
there’s a random chicken that’s been walking around our neighborhood and we want to locate the owner
It’s red and look like it hasn’t eaten, we have other chickens but don’t know what will happen if i put it with the others

You can quarantine it for 14-30 days to be sure it's disease free. Check it over for mites.

You can go to each of your neighbors asking if they've lost a chicken. You can put the chicken in a kennel near the road so passer byers can see it (make sure it has shade, food, water). Or you can make a small poster saying found chicken with a picture of it like what people do when they've found a lost dog or cat.

and I don't know the laws in Maine, but I take biosecurity seriously. An at large chicken in poor condition wanders onto my property, I'm culling it before I risk it bringing some disease or parasite into contact with my flock.

Quarantine is for birds I WANT to join my flock, not for adopting other people's problems as my own. Even with 30 acres, if its carrying fowl pox, mosquitoes can easily carry its illness from it to my birds. [again]. Other diseases it may carry can contaminate my grounds for months,

Quicker, less risk, and more cost effective to humanely end it.

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