How do I get pasty butt off?


10 Years
Dec 6, 2009
I have dabbed their little hind ends ends with warm wash clothes and it still wont come off?
Soak the rear end in some warm water for 10 minutes or so. That will loosen the poo... it should all rinse off pretty easily after that. I used a tuna can so the chick didn't get too wet. And of course, I followed it up with a nice blow-dry! My pasty-butt girl didn't mind the treatment one bit. It was much better than trying to pick off the crusty poo! Good luck!
Picking it off with your fingernails is a good way to do it.
Awww, poor peeper! I have heard that you can trim the feathers around the vent and/or apply some vaseline so the poop slides off. Maybe that would help?
I use a plastic disposable cup, just filled with enough warm water to cover the poo. The chick stands up and doesn't seem to mind the warm water, in fact they tend to want to go to sleep. Once it is loose just rinse/rub off with a paper towel. I then dry the chick completely followed by some A & D ointment, or lacking that, just some type of lubricant to the affected area so it won't stick next time.
One of my chicks had pasty butt, I washed it off the best a could a few times a day with warm water, applied a little bit of petroleum jelly, after a few days it finally all came off and the pasty butt stopped. It seemed like it was taking forever and not getting better, but it did!
One of my chicks got pasty butt and I ran her little behind under a very slow stream of warm water while gentley working to get the hard, crusty stuff to dissolve and come off easily. It took 5 or ten minutes and I got her back end fairly wet but she dried out pretty quickly once I put her back under the light. She was less than a week old so the lights wer 90-95 degrees. That was almost a week ago and no problems since.

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