How do I keep raccoons away

When I lived in WV, a neighbor's yearling filly was sttacked. The wounds were classic bite on crest of neck and lacerations on her flank. WV DNR officers denied that the wounds were caused by a " big cat ".

The neighbor sent photos of the wounds to a friend in Colorado who showed the photos to a DNR officer. The conclusion? If a cougar didn't cause those wounds, he would be amazed.

WV has denied for decades that cougars are in the state . . . . .

Sorry we are off topic.
Think electric my friend... Think electric!!! A properly rated, well maintained electric fence is not only relatively inexpensive but will "educate" even the most precocious predators you may have. I have 2 strands of wire on the outside of a metal hex deer fence surrounding my orchard and chicken areas. I got it specially to keep the critters away... Especially any of the many black bears we have here. 2 years so far without a single breach. The largest animals I ve seen any sign of are the few squirrels that have come from above... Even they eventually find the wires and stay away after they do. I have only witnessed three in this area in the 2 years and all avoid now.

I was mentioning electric not long ago on here for bear deterrent and many said it wont keep bear out. Which of course if a bear is hungry enough not much will keep it out. But in my research even as little a barrier as electric netting is advised to use by Alaska's Fish and Game stating it's proven effective in protecting apiaries and chickens on Kodiak Island. It goes on to say any of their research can't be used as endorsements, but I'm sold.
I have a small quarter acre suburban lot...and 1/3rd ot that is front/side yards and house. I also have young grand children over quite often. , 2 small dogs and a neighborhood cat (all 3 are very protective of my "Krewe"). A electrified fence with enough force for a bear to feel would be a huge liability for me I have a fort knox style coop they are safe in at night that I know will keep out everything but the bear and will have to hope the motion detector lights on the coop and the constantly on light in the yard will make him decide to stay away...coons and possums were much more statistically likely to become an issue...yes it would bother (alot) me if Mr Brear decided to snack on "my Krewe" but I think he finds much better easier pickings in the trash bins and eats well wooded area near me.
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We're on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, kind of geographically isolated as it's a huge peninsula, and not really bear country in the open area of lower Delaware. Western Maryland has them though, but they don''t cross the Bay Bridge.

I absolutely hate them, probably even worse than monkeys. And clowns.
I was mentioning electric not long ago on here for bear deterrent and many said it wont keep bear out. Which of course if a bear is hungry enough not much will keep it out. But in my research even as little a barrier as electric netting is advised to use by Alaska's Fish and Game stating it's proven effective in protecting apiaries and chickens on Kodiak Island. It goes on to say any of their research can't be used as endorsements, but I'm sold.
My fence charger is rated for bears... I have tested my fence and I dont want to try it again thats for sure. I do believe having a physical barrier ( the deer fence) is very helpful. It forces any animal into direct contact... Usually the nose as they search for a way in. Finally, using the electric before any losses to a bear is a big plus. Stop them before any reward and they are not likely to come back for more.
we live within 10 miles of (Silver Springs) the place where Tarzan movies (and many others )were filmed and many monkeys were abandoned on some of the smaller islands and have bred and escaped often...there have also been escapes form the many sanctuaries and they can and do mate and reproduce. Not to mention all the "pet" monkeys that are released or escape from homes. I have seen at least 12 different monkeys since I lived here.
Well, at least raccoons and weasels can't rip your face off like monkeys can.....or can they?
I saw a dog at the vet's that had been mauled by a male coon that was caught in a foot trap. His entire hind leg was skun from the hip down. It was hanging on his body like a saggy sock. So, I would guess a coon could do a nasty job on a face.....

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