How do I splice hardware cloth?


Mar 30, 2020
We're still constructing our run. We will use hardware cloth on the bottom 3 feet of the wall, and bury some into the ground. How do I attach pieces of hardware cloth to keep it secure, both above and below ground? Sew it together with wire? Zip ties? Do I need to overlap the pieces by a few inches? Thanks!
I like j clips if you can't staple it to something. If you go that route do not get the cheap stamped metal pliers, they are garbage. The clips and pliers are commonly found with the rabbit supplies at most feed stores but ordering online has always been cheaper for me.
We stapled to wood and then ran a 2 foot hardware cloth apron stapled from the bottom.
J Clips, what people use to connect rabbit cages together. Overlapping for extra support helps too.

Thats if they fit in the size of hardware cloth you use. it can be hard with the 1/2 inch squares but if you have 1/4 or 1/8 inch squares then what I have to offer will not work. (oops someone already suggested it, I guess I second what @neo71665 said but I added a video in support of it)
Zip ties?
I will use zip ties to set it in place sometimes but never as a secure means to hold them together, Predators can chew through zipties. I may even have pictures of set ups around with what looks like zip ties holding hardware cloth together but something else is really holding it together and I didn't bother cleaning u the zip ties when I finished because they aren't hurting anything. I use Hardware Cloth floors because I like how fast it can dry out the bedding, I tend to have a pallet under it and I use Roofing screws to hold it down. Just a screw and a washer might be cheaper but I happen to have roofing screws that I use and reuse a lot laying around.
Screws and washers are best.
No staples unless they are 3/4" pneumatically driven,
or covered with screwed on trim boards.
Regular T-50 staples in a spring gun will be torn out easily.

Hog rings or Jclips will work, but might be tough on 1/2" HC.
Get a good set of pliers or it'll be a PITA.

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