How do they do it?

LOL! It was a blessing at the time, but it was not a pretty sight as my husband built it alone and had no carpentry skills at the time. That is why pre built walls were such a blessing. It wouldn't have been quite so bad if it hadn't been so tall. It really stuck out like a sore thumb. But it was better than nothing. Good luck with yours. You can try construction sites for free lumber as well. I think they just throw out a lot of bits and bobs that might be useful. At least you will have someone knowledgeable to over see the project. Make sure you show us pictures.
I might be at work when the crew gets started so I won't be able to take pictures. I asked hubby to do that but he wants to use his phone for music to build by. Lol. He did say he'd try to get some but I may need to be happy with taking pics of whatever stage they have reached when I get home.
I'm in the UK but I built mine for less than £100. I got most of the materials free or very cheap from freecycle/recycling places/facebook ads/ebay. I bought the wood for framing and the screws/nails/blts etc. I've got a coop thats big enough for 12 chickens and a 16 square metre L shaped run.

If you are short on funds you need to be inventive. I got bits and pieces from all over. Whatever was left at the end I gave away in order to play it forward :)
Obicat, you are so right. You do have to be creative. Lucky you to be in the UK! Your post reminded me. Our local transfer station (aka: the dump) has started having a day when you can come and get things other people want to throw away. I am thinking that might be a good source for lumber! Just a thought.

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