how do you breed for chocolate?

Sadly you cannot create the chocolate color. You can create dun, which is slightly similar - But otherwise, your luck must run in having the money to import some Chocolate to the US, then breeding from there.
Surely it didn't just drop out of the sky overseas? Why could it be done over there and not here?
The same reason they have Lemon Pyle, good lavenders, and everything else cool. . . It probably started as a fluke waay back when, and has been selectively bred to stay alive up to now. I think there's someone trying to import a few Choc Orps though. Not sure on the progress of that.
Recessive sex-linked Chocolate was a mutation in some Black Orpington bantams, the discoverer Dr Clive Carefoot told me the eggs were imported into the UK from Australia. It has never been found here though.
A US breeder also experienced the same mutation but killed all the Chocolate birds because they were not APA Standard, this was reported by Dr Ron Okimoto.
Recessive sex-linked Chocolate is also found in Seramas, so is available in the USA.
I wish chocolate would fall from the sky....LOL

My husband is also really wanting some chocolate wyandottes.....If **** does get some chocolate orps imported that is the way to go creating some chocolate wyandottes.....stay tuned.
I have some chocolate "looking" Serama chicks. I was told they may be chocolate but no one seems sure. I have a pullet that is feathering out and looks sort of grey/brown.
Here is her wing, what color is she???

Here is a full sibling to the pullet, a young rooster still in down and beginning to feather.

This color does not appear to be sex linked as I've read some chocolates are and I really have no idea what it is.
The Seramas carry the chocolate gene. Many breeders in the US are currently breeding in the chocolate Seramas into other breeds. Check out the Serama Council of North America site. Several people have bought birds from Jerry's(the original importer) chocolate line to do just that.

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