How do you install PC fan into Hovabator?


10 Years
Nov 9, 2009
Hawthorne, CA
I am off to buy a PC fan for my still air hovabator....but how would you install it? Do they come with an optional wall plug for power? What speed is optimal? I am incubating my Jersey Giants and want all the help I can get!


I've not tried this but was told that I could take an old phone charger and cut the wires and wrap them to the fan wires and just plug it in. Makes sence to me, when we get new cell phones we always keep the chargers thinking someday we could reuse them but never have. We now have about a dozen of them stored in the cupboard with all the other stuff I think will some day come in handy.
Plus they are a low power source which would be enough to turn the fan . Worth a try...p
Here is a picture of mine, using a cell phone charge plugin. I got them off for $7.50 for a dozen fans. Very easy to intall and you do want your fan running all the time.


I bought the fans on a special, now they are $.99 each in a quanity of 8 or more found at this link:
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da if the fan runs all the time the water wont last but two days at the most. my sportsman cycles on and off with heating element. so does my hova.
my last hatch 30 out of 38 with the fan coming on and off.....................
Why are you wanting to install a fan? I have 2 still air foam incubators and have very good success from them. My latest hatch was 8 out of 8 guinea eggs 3 weeks ago. I did follow Miss Prissy's directions and made an incubator out of a foam cooler just to try it. Sometimes if I have multiple hatches going on I use it as my hatcher. I used a cord, probably from a phone charger, that is 120v in and 12v out. That is what is recommended and it worked for me. I'll post the link if I can find it.

ETA: Found it!!
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I installed a fan on mine, it runs all time, and keeps my temps accurate within 1/2 a degree! Much better that it was without the fan, temps would fluctuate 2-3 degrees. I recommend it!

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