How do you make a profit selling eating eggs?

woahh, im buying my fertile eggs for $10 a dozen, and i just bought 5 dozens. they're nothing special either -.-
I am trying to work out my business plan to sell eating "farm fresh" eggs using Copper Marans for the dark eggs and Americaunas for the green eggs. I am just trying to make some extra money to help out with the bills and maybe some for college (not just with selling eggs, but you understand)

But here is my problem, if I keep 25-30 hens and get around 2 doz eggs a day, selling for $3 per doz (thats the max ive been able to sell for) 5 days a week, thats only $30 per week. Ill end up spending at LEAST $13 for a 50 lb bag of feed a week, and end up with a profit of about $17 a week...thats absolutely NOT worth it! Am i missing something here? How does everyone else make a huge profit off selling fresh eating eggs? And the way i see it, even if I get more hens, ill need more food...??
Thanks for any advice or tips!!

I've heard you can get $35 per dozen for Splash Maran eggs. If you buy a rooster and sell the hatching eggs, you can probably get at least $10 per dozen for them. I've seen the hatcheries selling them for much more and pricing them at over $2-- per egg. While it's best to enjoy the chickens too and that should be your primary purpose for having chickens, don't give up on making at least a little bit of a profit and if you enjoy the work and the chickens, it is, in my opinion, totally worth it and I found some answers to my own question about a waterer on you tube.
Old thread but: all I can say is we have about 70 layers, sell eggs $5/doz with an occasional special of 2 for $8, there is close to $1000 in the egg money jar, their feed is always paid for as is the electric and phone bill. Hasn't been that hard to justify having them.

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