how do you make quail lay eggs???

Just be patient. They don't just switch it on. Typically sexual maturity is reached by 8 weeks, but often you have to wait 10-12 weeks.

Do they have anything in their environment to cause stress? Have you switched them from one cage to another?
The many roosters do you have with your hens? Too many roosters will stress them out, and could cause them to stop laying. 

In one pin its 1 male to 2 females. In the other its a 1 to 1.

When/if they start to lay I will be throwing them in the incubator to bulid up my flock.
In one pin its 1 male to 2 females. In the other its a 1 to 1.

When/if they start to lay I will be throwing them in the incubator to bulid up my flock.

You have two problems,

#1 too many roosters
#2 too few hens

(really, you'll do better with your best roo and 3 hens)
You all are funny. Had my laugh today. Nice to hear a little humor for a change. I have quail but my husband has them behind the barn and they don't get much sun and they are in mud. I have 12 all together and they make the coolest sound. I hate to eat any of them. They have laid eggs and then they stop. I have about 6 in the incubator now. I wish they would lay more though. When we do get some, we end up breaking them; need to be more careful.
i know this thread is old but i just picked up 11 females and 4 males from columbis and put them in a new cage how long till i should expect eggs again
Hi Nick
It would be easier to help starting new threads. Hijacking a new thread might work pretty well but old threads don't. I don't know if I need to read the first post because you have the same problem or skip to page 56? I usually just skip over them because I don't have time to read the whole thread.

Anyhow 1,2, or 3 days. Usually no longer then 3 days for them to adjust & get back into the swing of things. Most of mine only shipped one egg if they shipped any which you have a missed one from time to time anyway.
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