How do you preserve eggs you don't intend to eat?


11 Years
Aug 23, 2010
New Britain, CT
I had started putting aside eggs from the chicken who had been on antibiotics. I won't eat them, or even re-feed the shells to the flock, so I thought they might be good for crafts. (Easter got to me, I guess)
Does anyone know how to keep eggs, in the shell, without worrying about them rotting? I was thinking maybe dehydrate them somehow, but can't think how.
Any ideas out there?
A friend of mine has used multiple coatings of shellac on unblown eggs. I'm not sure of the lasting result of this, since she's only been doing it for a year now.
Why don't you just throw them at people you don't like?
Hi thaiturkey, I haven't heard from you in a long time! I think you have a great idea
I have saved them so they are just short of exploding and lobbed them at the neighbors dog that isn't supposed to be in my yard. I never hit him though, apparently I need to work on my aim. Do rotten eggs fly different than fresh?
Hi Frosty!

I took a break after we sold all of our turkeys and chickens. Now we have the beginnings of a free ranging bantam flock so I'm back. The birds pretty well take care of themselves so there isn't much to ask about and I'm not expert enough to offer advice to others. I hang around in Random Ramblings in the meantime.

You might try a sling shot for those eggs. Hard boiled ones could be more effective than raw ones.
Why don't you just throw them at people you don't like?
Well, yeah, that's one possibility (believe me, I could think of some targets) but I want to do something with them, and that seems kind of wasteful.
Hi thaiturkey, I haven't heard from you in a long time! I think you have a great idea
I have saved them so they are just short of exploding and lobbed them at the neighbors dog that isn't supposed to be in my yard. I never hit him though, apparently I need to work on my aim. Do rotten eggs fly different than fresh?
Hmmm, now that is something to ponder.
Hi Frosty!
. I hang around in Random Ramblings in the meantime.

You might try a sling shot for those eggs. Hard boiled ones could be more effective than raw ones.
Oh, so you're a lurker
now, eh? Slingshot, hmm, more to consider.

But seriously, folks, moving right along....
Ukrainian Easter eggs!!

I've done this with non-blown eggs and they slowly dry out over the years. Never had a stinky one.
I watched someone doing that last year, and thought about getting into it. So intricate, and beautiful. (Even the site you linked to has a warning about exploding eggs)
A friend of mine has used multiple coatings of shellac on unblown eggs. I'm not sure of the lasting result of this, since she's only been doing it for a year now.
I would think after a year, one would know if they had dried out or gone bad (would hope so, anyway).

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