How does one protect a large flock of free rangers?

Awwww, I am sorry.
You don't know me but I have spent my life saving critters. I love all of them. But some varmits just got my best best best beloved kitty. So all those lurking around our property are not high on my list this week. And yes, the pine martens are pretty cute.

Anyway, I love your brick house. I hope you can fix it one day.
Too funny!! My DH votes for option #2 but says it is best to use Decaf tea, or the jitters will get to you.
We don't have a vary large flock, but they are always free range. We have a 1 acre fence yard (to keep the dogs from roaming) and 4 dogs. Fluffy the Great Pyrenees is the critical to variable in the equation. Nobody gets into the yard without her inspection. And, no predators get near the fence without a flurry of about 100 lbs white fur.

The only time the birds are not ranging free is at night and when the dogs can't be outside. At night the birds are locked down tight.

This system has worked prefectly for over a year; no losses.

I have a good dog that doesn't bother my chickens at all and hates other dogs. I also have a couple of good roosters. I lock my birds up at night and make sure when I let them out I let the dog out too.
I guess that your dogs are lucky that they haven't run into a pack of coyotes yet. I lost my 95 lb Boxer to a pack. One came into your front yard and started a fight, ran a few yards then snapped at my dog to eg him on , then did this again untill they came to the pack and my dog got torn to shreds. last month my neighbor, who has a flock of sheep, had a Border Collie/ German Shepherd mix, about 90 lbs. , and a working sheepdog, that was also baited by a coyote untill he came to the pack... all that the neighbor found the next morning, 300 yards away from his house, was his head and hide. His litter mate was still cowering in his doghouse for 3 days. Good luck in the future with your guard dogs.
I live just outside of town. No one around here has spotted coyotes. You are right though, coyotes can and do kill dogs. If coyotes were that big of a problem around here, I wouldn't let my birds out either.

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