How I got my hen to go broody


9 Years
Apr 22, 2013
I know there have been some questions on how to get a hen to go broody. I was also wanting a broody hen but didn't have one. Then I heard that you should feed yeast to them and they will go broody. I took one hen out of my bunch and fed yeast in with her feed to her alone. Nothing happened so I gave up and put her back in with the other hens. Well sunday, my son tells me there is a broody hen. Yesterday we put eggs in a good place away from the other chickens and she has gladly accepted them.
Will definitly try this again next year.
This post caught my eye! I was hoping my one buff out of the flock would go broody since they make great mommas. Stuck rocks in the hen boxes to make it "look," like there were many eggs that needed sittin on....... Lo and behold, one day she is out free ranging - the next she's taking out her belly feathers and attacking anyone who goes near her. Had one batch she sit on go bad, but this past one born on day 19. Four out of eleven clutch hatch. Now that she is content I will def try the yeast trick for another brooder! Thanks and good luck with the peeps to be!

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