How it's made - Hatchery chicks


11 Years
Oct 31, 2008
SF Bay area CA
We always TiVo the "How it's made" series. This one is a factory operation to incubate, hatch, and sort day-old chicks. For obvious reasons, this episode is a family favorite, and we've saved it permanently to show to friends and guests or just to re-visit for a (somewhat indignant) laugh. Kind of puts home incubation into perspective, no? (oh no! not the separator!)


me if this has been posted before; I couldn't find by searching "how it's made" keyword.
I saw that episode before. It is kind of harsh on the chicks when they go through the separator. It is cool to see all of the chicks. Thousands of them!!!lol it is a good episode.
Freaky Crazy WOW! :eek:

I never imagined so many conveyer belts needed in hatching baby chicks. It was kinda funny, I was trying to imagine how dizzy they all were.
I was like OMG. When we got our chicks we handled them like they were made of glass...meanwhile there first day was filled with more action than I could have ever imagined!!!!!!
LOL, I know what you mean. Especially the ladies at the sexing station, just grabbing 'em, stretching out their wings, and chucking them into the tubes--boys to the right, girls to the left. Or how 'bout the machine that punches holes in the eggs for the Vx? Whoa! The scale of this operation is just mind boggling to me. I'm so glad we have our own flock, and that there are other BYC people who do it the old fashioned way!

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