How long before 1st freerange?

Tn treeguy

10 Years
Jul 1, 2012
I'm a total nubie here, so sorry if this question is asked alot, didn't know how to search for it.
I finished my coop and run last weekend. went and got 10 Black Australorps 15 months old.Averaging 8 eggs a day!
How long should I keep them confined before it will be safe to start freerangeing?They are pretty calm girls, but not pets.
I have asked friends , and got answers from2 days to 2 months. Help please.
At that age... a week is usually sufficient time for them to know where to head back to at sunset. When you let them out, leave the gate/door open and they should put themselves back in at sunset. They usually will not get out of site of the hen house the first several times they go out. I usually let mine out about 2 hours before sunset so I never have to chase them back in...I go out and shut the gate behind them after they put themselves up
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Thanks for the advice. I suspected the correct answer was somewhere in between. The girls will get their first outing this evening!
Do you have predators in your area? I had mine in my fenced in backyard and the **** fox would climb the wooden fence and eat my chickens. He stopped when I started leaving my dog outside with the chickens. Before you free range evaluate the type of predators in your area. One fox can take out your entire flock in less than a week.
My predator problem is significant enough that I don't think I'll ever be able to freerange unsupervised.
Yep 1 week and they will be fine. My birds free range unsupervised all day everyday. I have nearly 2 acres fenced that they have full range on. 6' 2x4 wire fence. We have coyotes, fox, raccoon, skunk, and opossum in the area. I haven't seen anything for a year. We also have a dog and cats that help. Ive lost one bird so far this year from a Texas rat snake that tried to eat a small cockerel. It killed the bird but it was to big to swallow. I found and killed the snake.
They went out last evening. Everyone returned to roost right on cue. Yeay! Thanks everyone.

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