How long before a broody hen will lay eggs again?

Well my Cornish "Tilly" has gone broody AGAIN...grr! this first time lasted about a week, and she was back to laying after about a week or so. Then she was laying as usual for 2 months and she is broody again. this time we are going on 2 1/2 weeks! She has also moved to the bottom of the pecking order (not that she was ever really top) and is sort of skittish and stays on the outskirts of the group. So I think this is normal. she is also kind of avoiding me...I think she knows I'm annoyed with her! none of the other girls have gone broody since I've had them, 3 Red Stars, one RIR, one Barred Rock. the Red Stars are super star layers, consistent huge eggs!
I have an old English game Bantam and a silkie who both went broody at the same time. ..9 weeks ago. I left then each hatch out some babies but after 2 weeks of having them, I gave them all to my silkie and put my OEGB back with the rest of the flock. She was just too adaggressive. Well the babies are 6 weeks old now, fully integrated in to the flock, but I still haven't seen an egg from either one of the girls yet. The silkie, I can understand add she hasn't given up mothering yet. She still calls all the babies into a cuddle puddle with her at night and she's been pacing outside my newest broody's pen (I think she wants her 3 babies now too lol) but my game Bantam hasn't been mothering for a month now and she still hasn't started laying again yet. Maybe it's the cold weather. I don't know. All my hens are young. They were just born end of February.
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My silkie went broody and was super stubborn. It took her 3 days in the broody pen and then two days with her friends out in the run but put in the broody pen at night. After the 5th day I moved her broody pen outside (it was warm) to watch her friends in the run. She was not happy but this changed her mood and she started perching that night with the other girls. She started laying eggs 12 days later and has laid an egg everyday even through molting. My other girls stopped laying eggs because of the shorter days and molting. They have been eggless for 3 weeks now.
I have an old English game Bantam and a silkie who both went broody at the same time. ..9 weeks ago. I left then each hatch out some babies but after 2 weeks of having them, I gave them all to my silkie and put my OEGB back with the rest of the flock. She was just too adaggressive. Well the babies are 6 weeks old now, fully integrated in to the flock, but I still haven't seen an egg from either one of the girls yet. The silkie, I can understand add she hasn't given up mothering yet. She still calls all the babies into a cuddle puddle with her at night and she's been pacing outside my newest broody's pen (I think she wants her 3 babies now too lol) but my game Bantam hasn't been mothering for a month now and she still hasn't started laying again yet. Maybe it's the cold weather. I don't know. All my hens are young. They were just born end of February.
Because of the shortened daylight hours right now, she may not start laying again until the day length begins to increase. I was sure we had hit the shortest day of the year (wishfull thinking!) but nope, it is not for about another month. If you have lights in your coop to similate longer daylight hours, she should start laying again soon unless she is going into molt (generally about a year after hatch give or take).
I am glad to hear my broody hen will become broody again after not too long. I couldn't break her so I got some fertilized eggs from a friend. She hatched them and all is well. Now I want to order some Cornish x the day I see her go broody again!!!! Whoop whoop natural chicken here I come.

Joan in Oregon
I had a broody silky hen that hatched an egg August 14th. She is a great mother. She has not started laying again yet. I think she is too busy being a great mom.
I wish we were neighbors. I have four fertile silky eggs in an incubator. It would be easier for us all if I had a broody hen.
If the broody hen sits on eggs and none hatch,- A long take of woe!!!! how long will she take before she starts laying?
If the broody hen sits on eggs and none hatch,-  A long take of woe!!!! how long will she take before she starts laying?

It depends on how long it takes for her to break from being broody. If you removed all the unhatched eggs and left the nest empty then the next step is to kick her out of the nest for the day. Let her free range (or covered range for most of the day but make sure she has plenty of access to food and water. You will probably have to remove her everytime she tries to go into the nesting box so I would lock it up. I would keep an eye on my broody hens and kick them out constantly. If you don't have the constant time try putting her in a broody box. A large dog crate with many holes will work to air out her bottom.

Once you break the broody behavior it can take 2-3weeks before she lays again and with it being winter maybe even longer. All depends on the hen.

Good luck.
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I know this question isn't about how long it'll take BUT I do have a broody question. Anyone ever deal with a broody turkey? This is my first time. She's only been broody for a few days now but I keep taking the eggs that she collects every day. I gave her 4 from my bator that are actually due to hatch this Thursday. Think she'll be ready to handle babies so soon or am I really pushing it here?

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