How long before eggs under broody hen are too late to pull for my incubator?


12 Years
May 21, 2009
My Coop
My Coop
I've been collecting eggs every other day and I have a broody hen that sits on the eggs every once in awhile, she drives me crazy. I'm wondering if she sits on the eggs for a day and a half if it's too late to pull them and save them for my incubator. I'm trying to save up enough storing them in the basement until I have enough to fill up my incubator, but I'm afraid that if I pull the ones from under the broody hen that they may have started developing and that sitting at room temp for a few days may kill them. Is that right? Should I be worried about this? Or can I steal her eggs and keep them at room temp, then set them in my incubator a few days later?
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I think that the eggs might get rotten and not hatch i'm not to sure though
It depends on the temperature. I've had a on again, off again broody sit and not sit on a nest full of eggs. They actually hatched! They took forever though, the last one took about 6 weeks from when she started and most of the chicks didn't make it. The air temperature (it was a hot summer) and the hen sitting at night was enough. Would not repeat that though!

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