how long can you leave eggs out unrefrigerated?

My Production Reds tend to lay on the extra large side so what I personally do is lower the eggs into the boiling water and start timing right at that moment. But instead of the 17 minutes (which only soft boils my extra large eggs), I time mine for 24 minutes which I find is perfect. I then transfer the eggs from the boiling water into the ice water bath and I stick the whole thing into my freezer and time it for another 24 minutes. The eggs literately roll out of the shells...on occasion one of the eggs turns out to be a jumbo and is not cooked all the way to hard and will not be firm enough to peel but for 99.9% of the time they are perfect.
Holy smokes Batman! this city girl sure didn't know you didn't have to 'refrigerate' eggs and could let them sit for months...that is amazing information.

Not sure If I can sell my husband on that one though...he's really picky about food..and has a weak stomach to boot... seriously if he even thinks of something nasty he hurls LOL
If even thought for a moment that the eggs were "bad' because they set out for a day he would have all kinds of "GI upsets" ...most of them are in his head and he gets himself all worked up till he's sick... what a puss!

Will have to go at it from the angle of "the eggs will be soo much better at room temperature" ...we'lll see. We're still months away from our girls producing anything.
Great info. I too was worried and I thought a few hours not being in fridge was the max. I am so glad to read this. THANKS! I will have to try and sneak it by the DH also. He is adamant about refridgeration of the eggs.
What if they are fertilized? I have a rooster and my concern is not that the eggs will make me sick, but that I will open one and see a partially formed chick and that would NOT be pleasant.. :-/
There will be no development in that egg unless it is incubated at 99-100 degrees--unless people forget to collect their eggs each day. Most of the people on here responding are talking about fertilized eggs, because if you have a rooster it is hard to find one that is not.

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