how long can you leave eggs out unrefrigerated?

While I was in the middle east we never refrigerated the eggs. The oldest one I ate sat on the kitchen counter and was nearly a month old ; it tasted fine... I made sure it was cooked well done though. We get so many eggs now that I usually scramble anything more than two weeks old and feed it to the flock. They love em!
I don't believe Europeans refrigerate eggs.  Of course, they likely have a shorter Farm to Table time span than we do here.
don't know anything about they egg industry, but there is a lot of time my load of milk is in the dairy's silo for only a few minutes before they have it processed and bottled.
Thanks for this thread!! I will have to show DH this information for he has always wondered if we need to storre the eggs or not. Now we know!!
Have you used the electric egg cookers? My mother gave me my 1st one probably 30 years ago. I've now been through 3! Can't be beat for boiling eggs. When boiled, I break the shell slightly, drop them into cold water and go off and leave them. When the eggs have cooled, I peel. Never have a problem peeling the fresh eggs. Most shells come off almost whole. No timing, no remembering.
I usually dont refridgerate eggs either, I only put my egg in the ridge when my egg basket gets full or the temps im summer are very high. I definitely prefer counter eggs. First I love to display my eggs and second I hate when I take the egg carton out of the fridge when cooking and see the eggs sweat due to temp change, drives me nuts. I usually dont leave eggs on the counter longer than a week or 2 though I know longer is just fine. I wasnt aware that eggs were good in the refridgerator for so many months. I thought maybe 3-4 months. Definitely good to know so I can stock up for winter.

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