How long should it take to hatch??? Egg has been pipped for10 hours!!!

I really should go to bed--but I just wanna make sure my lone chick is ok!!!! I'm crazy!
I can't wait to see what color it is.
Just dont open the incubator!! The chick is in a critical stage were optimum humidity is necessary. If you open the incubator, you run the chance of causing what we refer to as "Shrink Wrapping." Its what happens with the humidity is decreased to quickly and the membrane surrounding the chicks dries out and "shrink wraps" the chick. When this happens it's usually always a death sentence.
IVe had a egg peeping for 24 hours or more. this is driving me crazy. how long should this take. the eggs are not due to hatch for 3 more days now and its the only one peeping.
do you reckon there is a problem with the others. i did not see any movement a week ago when i candled..the eggs were so full, just dark with a egg pocket.
now only one is peeping and i cant figure out which one it is and does that mean that its the only one alive and how long should i listen to t his before i intervene.??????
i have this happen before and wheni finaly stepped in it was dead. so help me...
I am in the same boat. I only have one egg. It pipped internally, but the shell isn't broken yet. My humidity keeps spiking. I am going NUTS!

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